Troutfest Texas will be back in 2022

Troutfest Texas will be back in 2022!
Planning is in full swing and it’s going to be a great weekend!
We are busy securing an outstanding line-up of speakers and casting instructors.
Again this year we will have a tent full of all things fly fishing, featuring: guides, fly shops, artists, outfitters, gear manufacturers, rod builders and nonprofit partners.

And there is more…
Friday night is a banquet with an auction you won’t want to miss!
On Saturday night we will be showcasing the the 2022 Fly Fishing Film Tour.

More information coming soon and tickets will go on sale late fall!

Volunteer Opportunities
Troutfest is volunteer run event, it’s what makes it so special.
There are lots of ways to get involved and help out, we need you!
You can join the planning committee now or volunteer at the event.
Thank you!

Volunteer Here

See you at Lazy L & L Campgrounds February 18-20, 2022!