Tips on personal watercraft

Video of Overlooked DIY Strategies

Utilizing a specialized personal watercraft that allows you to wade fish while staying connected to the boat is a great way to gain access to some excellent water.  These spots are often untouched by other anglers and offers a strategic advantage over full sized drift boats.  Check out the video and after getting the jist, then start it over to see the beginning to see how things actually look while casting from the boat.  Video Tip of the Week

Combine this approach with a Euro Style Nymphing application and you have a deadly combo.  You will find yourself meticulously picking apart “the best of the best” water and catching more trout than ever before.  It takes some practice but for DIY anglers its a wonderful tool and lots of fun.  Feeling trout take nymphs is a fresh way to alter your nymph game and keep things interesting.

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