The Mop Fly Tue the 11th class subject

Come join us this coming Tuesday (Feb. 11th) at 7:00pm at the American Legion Hall, 410 West Coll St., New Braunfels.  Come in the front door and we are in the room at the first door to the right.  This month we will be tying something a little different, “The Mop Fly”, a fairly simple fly to tie using some pieces from a hand washing car mitt  Jeff and I were told by Martin Pursch, owner of Country Fly Fishers fly shop in Fredericksburg that this fly was not allowed to be used in a fishing tournament because it caught to many fish.  LOL, We should be so lucky!!  Any way come join us to learn how to tie this fly and also make some flies for the club meeting fly raffle.  You can bring your own tools or we can provide you with the necessary tools and tying supplies.
Hope to see you there,
Gary and Jeff