Classic Video: How to Tie the Rough-Water Caddis
Written by: Phil Monahan

I fish a lot of caddisfly patterns in late summer and fall, as most of the mayfly and stonefly hatches are over for the season around here. Here’s a great caddisfly imitation from Norwegian tier Gunnar Bingen, which is meant to be fished in rough, broken water. I’ll bet that it also works well as a skittering caddis, too.
In this typically awesome video, Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions walks you through the tying process, demonstrating great materials-handling techniques. One of my bigger frustrations when I first started tying was that I had difficulty keeping the materials in place; they always wanted to rotate or slide. What I enjoy about watching Tim’s videos is that he takes the time to show the viewer exactly how he holds, wraps, and secures each material.
Rough-Water Caddis (Dyret)
Hook: 1X-long dry-fly hook (here a Dai-Riki #300), size 14.
Thread: Olive, 6/0.
Tails/head: Natural deer body hair, cleaned and stacked.
Hackle: Grizzly rooster saddle hackle, trimmed on the bottom.
Body: Tan Super Fine dubbing.
Note: Change the colors to match the naturals.