Presenter Stacy Lynn delivered a great presentation our April 23 Meeting

Stacy Lynn gave a great presentation on casting at our meeting held on the Guadalupe River at Cypress Bend Park.  The theme of her presentation was accuracy and how it affected your ability to catch fish.  She covered accuracy from how and where the fly should land to how the leader and fly line work together to make the cast.  She demonstrated on the water the phases of the cast and how trajectory, speed and aim point  made a difference in accuracy of the cast.  As alway, she was confident, assured and at times funny in her presentation.  She also demonstrated some casting accuracy practices that we could do at home.

By the time the meeting was over, it was DARK OUTSIDE and all the river noises were heard(frogs etc).  Thanks Stacy, you did a great job.

See some pictures of the event below!!

Stacy being introduced to the club by Dan Cone our President
Stacy explaining the effect of slack in the line on the cast
Stacy answering many of the question the members has on casting!!