Next Club Meeting is this Wednesday December 11th


This is a reminder that our club meeting will be a combined November / December meeting on this Wednesday, December 11th at the New Braunfels Library’s Westside Community Center from 6:00 – 8:00. The address is 2932 S IH 35 Frontage Road.  The meeting room at the E.Commons main public library is not available on this day..
Our guest speaker will be John Cadran “JC”.  He will be presenting EURO Nymphing on the Guadalulpe.  Many of you have met JC.  He was at the recent GRTU river clean up and also finished 2nd place at our Holdover Tournament.
Concerning your FFI membership expiration date.  Please double check your expiration date.  If it has expired please renew your membership with FFI.  If you have already renewed your membership please send me your current expiration date.  We are coming up on year end and our club roster that is submitted along with our annual report to FFI needs to include only current FFI members.