NBFF Sept meeting minutes

Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting

09/28/2022 – New Braunfels Public Library

Ron DeMeyer called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm at the New Braunfels Public Library.

Pat McQuinn reported that we had 36 current members.

Pat also gave a report on the Trout Feeding project.  He reported that the group had its’ last meeting at River Rose and the schedule for the rest of the year is complete.  We are feeding through the end of October.  Ron mentioned that he is forwarding the trout feeding reports to Bill Marshall, President of GRTU, at Bill’s request.

Ed Sweet reported that we had 1583 followers on our Facebook page.

Ron said that the outing to the Blanco River was a success with eight members fishing.  Ron commented that he would schedule another trip to the Blanco in the future.

Ron reminded members who were interested in joining the LAP program that membership sales begin on October 1st.

Ron asked the club members to participate in the Holdover Tournament and that he would send the flyer to each member.  He emphasized that the tournament is our only form of fundraising and that club participation is crucial.

Our speaker was Jim Gray.  Jim’s topic for the evening was “Fly Fishing the Colorado River”.  He gave a detailed, informative and entertaining report on the subject.  Jim included put-in and take-out locations, float times, obstacles and tips on where to fish on the different floats.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.