NBFF meeting October 26

Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting

10/26/2022 – New Braunfels Public Library

Dan Cone called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm at the New Braunfels Public Library.

Pat McQuinn emailed that we had 36 current members.

Gary Nyland was happy to report that fly tying meetings would resume.  He has secured the Westside Community Center in New Braunfels for the meetings.  He has two dates reserved, November 3rd and December 1st, from 6 to 8 pm.  The center has a large room, good lighting and an internet connection so youtube can be used as an additional training tool.  He will put out a follow-up email next week.

Ron DeMeyer reported that the fish feeding program was coming to an end at the end of October.

Ron and Brien have explored another option for fishing the Blanco River.  It is a private landowner, also Brien’s friend, who will allow us access to the river.  Ron will put out an email soon with a date for the outing.

Morgan Ferry is going to circulate a survey to the members concerning the future direction of our club.  Morgan would like us to have a greater social media presence with additional content to advertise our club and make it more attractive to more people.

Dan asked the club members to participate in the Holdover Tournament and that members should sign up at Action Angler.  Jerry Horton reviewed the prizes donated by Sattler merchants.

The club voted to support GRTU Youth Trout Camp again with gift bags.  Ron will request flies from the members and source the accessories to be included in the bags.

Kevin Hutchinson was our guest speaker.  Kevin gave a great overview of fishing the South Llano, Llano, San Marcos and Colorado Rivers.  Kevin also volunteered to give a free casting seminar to our members in the near future.

Dan adjourned the meeting at 8:50 pm.