NBFF Meeting Minutes from October 2020

Summary of Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting

10/28/2020 – Summit Resort Pavilion

Dan Cone called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.  Twelve members and two visitors attended.

The fly raffle netted $17.00

Dan Cone said that the Holdover Tournament had three people sign-up and gave an overview of the tournament.  A number of members were interested in signing up and met with Dan following the meeting.

Pat McQuinn, Director of Membership, reported that we had 31 members.  Ed Sweet, Director of Information, reported that although the website got little activity; our facebook page had 1200 followers.

We decided to move our November meeting to December 9th due to the November date falling on the day before Thanksgiving.  We traditionally have not scheduled a December meeting due to Christmas.  Darryl Yarbrough volunteered to reserve the Summit Pavilion again.

A committee of three was formed to prepare for a silent auction of Mike Wright’s donations.  Vince Callier, Pat McQuinn and Ron DeMeyer volunteered.  The auction will be scheduled sometime in the first weeks of January 2021.

A request was made that our meeting minutes be published to the members.  Further, it was decided that a summary of the meeting minutes be published on our website.

Our speaker for the evening was Dan Cone who gave us a great preview of the 2020-2021 trout season.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.