NBFF March meeting notes

Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting
03/23/2022 – New Braunfels Public Library

Dan Cone called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Pat McQuinn, Membership Director, reported that we have 35 current members, two who are new. Pat also said that our Troutfest booth netted 66 people who were interested in our club versus 35 at the last Troutfest. Pat has sent club information to these folks.

Ed Sweet, Web Director, said that he believed the Troutfest booth increased our web traffic substantially. He said he has installed a spam blocker on our site that has provided good results.

Dan said that Ron would be emailing members requesting volunteers for the
GRTU Fish Feeding project. The volunteers would feed twice a week at four or five sites from May thru October.

Dan stated that the current board would return for another year if elected butnominations would be taken at the next meeting and elections will be held.
Directors will also be asked if they will serve another term.
Dan also told the group that the 2022 Holdover Tournament will be held on
November 5 th and pre-planning has started.

Our speaker for the evening was John Shank, Lone Star Fly Fishing. His subject was “Fly Fishing for Stripers on Canyon Lake”. John’s presentation was informative and gave the club a different aspect of fly fishing.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.

The presentation from John Shank on striper fishing on Canyon Lake and the area, was very informative at least for me. I really did not know that there were so many stripers, and that they were that large. And, they catch them on a fly rod too! If you do not fly fish, they will accommodate you. Great talk and videos. Lonestar fishing