NBFF Club Casting Clinic and Meeting

We had a very informative and productive casting clinic.

Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting

06/26/2021 – River Acres Park

Ron called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.

A short meeting was held after the casting clinic directed by Phil.  Fourteen members and one guest attended. Phil did a great job of helping attendees improve their casting skills.  One comment overheard was “it is good to see the club using internal talent to improve our skills”.

There was no Treasurer’s report.

Pat and Phil volunteered to help Dan Cone with the trout feeding program.  Pat will contact Dan for guidance on how to proceed.  Other members also volunteered to assist.

Gary informed the group that he would like to start fly tying night again in the fall if we could find a place to have it.  Two possibilities are the hospitality room at the Summit or a room at Rio Terra Senior Living in New Braunfels.

Pat also volunteered to coordinate the meetings during July and August.  Possible locations were the Summit, if available, or the River Acres Park and make it a fishing opportunity.

Speakers for the fall were discussed, more will be posted.

Some in the group would like to have another saltwater trip like we had with William Townsend of Light and Fly Guide Service.

The meeting was adjourned.