Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting 9/18/2024

Dan Cone was not able to attend. Pat McQuinn called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm at the Westside Community Center Library.
LAP Process = We discussed the status of the LAP process with the zoom meetings now taking place. The LAP membership will become available for purchase the first of October. An email
from Robilyn Pettit with GRTU will be sent notifying when the purchase will be available.
Holdover Tournament = Ron DeMeyer discussed the Holdover Tournament which is scheduled for November 2 nd . This tournament is the only fund raiser the club has each year. Please contact Ron to sign up. He is asking that participants pay the entry fee by our next club
meeting of October 23 rd . Collecting the entry fee the morning of the tournament can be
hectic and a slow process. He has contacted several businesses to help with donations. GRTU,
Word, HEB and FFI have all confirmed supporting the tournament. There are other local businesses that have supported the tournament in the past and Ron feels they will again this year.
Treasurer’s report = Brien John was not at the meeting so no Treasurer’s report. Fly-Tying report = Gary Nyland has scheduled the next fly-tying class for October 3 rd . Fly tying classes will be on the first Thursday of month. We will meet at the Westside Community Center. The club has vices and other equipment so if you are new to fly-tying, please come on out.
Membership report = Pat McQuinn reported that the club roster was unchanged during the summer with 48 active members. We have a new member who attended the meeting. Brent Sonnier has joined the club so we are now at 49 members. Brent went fly fishing this summer
in Colorado and caught some trout. He is now hooked on fly fishing. Brent retired from the Air Force recently and is now looking forward to spending time fly fishing. We all need to welcome Brent to the club.
Education = Chris Long was not in attendance so we did not have an education report.

Website = The position of Director of the Website is open. We need a volunteer to step up
and take this position. Ed Sweet moved to Missouri this summer. We want to thank Ed for all his work for many years keeping our website up to date.
Outings = Ron DeMeyer reported that we did not have any outings planned. It is just too hot and the water levels too low in the hill country. He is hoping the conditions will improve to be able to put a trip together to the Llano this fall.
Club Survey = Pat reported that he has contacted three representatives of the Boy Scouts.
They felt like a half day orientation to fly fishing can be approved without the NBFF club
members going through all the training, back ground checks, etc. that a counselor must complete. Pat will pursue getting an introduction to fly fishing class set up with one of the troops here in New Braunfels.
Fish Feeding Program = The feeding program is working well. We presented the data that is being collected that includes water temps, activity levels, etc. for the seven locations being
fed. The program will continue through October. The activity remains good with the exception of Ponderosa and the S Curve.
Summer vacations, fishing pictures, etc. = Several members talked about their summer trips including Pat & Gary presenting pictures from the Big Horn River at Fort Smith, Montana. Pat, Gary, Ed, and Mike went to the Big Horn in August at the recommendation of Ron Skarbowski.
The trip exceeded our expectations and we highly recommend this trip to the members. We suggested we could get a group of members together to make a trip up there next summer.
Further discussion on a group trip pending.
Fly Raffle = Ron conducted the fly raffle.
October’s club meeting = Wednesday October 23rd will be our next club meeting. We will be meeting back at the Public Library on E. Commons.

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