Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting 2/22/2023

Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting

02/22/2023 – New Braunfels Public Library

Dan Cone called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the New Braunfels Public Library.

Brien said that once the Westside library Annex opened our meetings would not be able to be held until 9:00 pm because of limited staff.  A discussion ensued and the members voted to change our hours to 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm for our monthly meetings.

Pat McQuinn reported that 66 people had signed up at Troutfest to receive more information about our club.  Ron DeMeyer stated that 26 people had signed up for the “Introduction to Fly Fishing” class scheduled for April 15th.  In general, Troutfest was a great success for GRTU and NBFF.

Gary Nyland reported that 8 – 10 people have been attending fly tying meetings.  The next meeting is scheduled for March 2nd and the fly they will tie is a Soft Hackle.

Pat McQuinn said that we had 42 members and 1 pending.

Phil Lambrecht and Ron will be planning the “Introduction to Fly Fishing” class in the coming weeks and Ron alerted the members that we would need volunteers to help with class.  A deep knowledge of fly fishing will not be needed as it is an introductory class.

Ron DeMeyer said that he would plan a trip on the Guadalupe in the near future.

Ed Sweet and Morgan Ferry continue to work together, sharing information to make our website and social media more attractive.

Dan brought up the need for volunteers at the Word Fun Fish at Canyon Park from 10 am – 4 pm on February 25th.  The need is greatest from 1:30 – 4 pm.  Those who are interested should contact Bill Marshall, President of GRTU.

Jerry Horton has been looking into the possibility of the club acquiring logo hats and/or shirts.  He said that T-shirts could be sourced from River City, New Braunfels and hats from Richardson Hats that he will contact soon.  The group thought that hats would be preferable.

Jude Cole was our guest speaker.  Jud owns “Hell ‘N Back” Outfitters locally.  His subject was “Bugs of the Guadalupe”.  Jud gave a presentation that was easy to understand while being extremely informative.

Dan adjourned the meeting at 8:55 pm.