Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting 04/26/2023

Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting

04/26/2023 – New Braunfels Public Library

Dan Cone called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm at the New Braunfels Public Library.

Pat McQuinn reported that the club lost one member bringing our membership to 41.

Gary Nyland reported that the next fly tying meeting would be on May 4th and the group would be tying either a Girdle Bug or Pat’s Rubber Legs.

Phil Lambrecht said he was looking for a home to store the casting equipment as he had no room at his house.  John Wortham volunteered to store the equipment. Ron said that the Introduction to Fly Fishing class broke even with seven attendees.

Ron DeMeyer stated the Brien and he would finalize our outing to the Blanco River and would schedule the outing sometime in May.

Ron gave a short review of the fish feeding project to date.  Pat McQuinn said that the fish feeding group would meet on April 27th to set the schedule for May and possibly June.

Dan reminded the members that we will have the board election in May.

Brien brought up that FFI requires us to review our by-laws and ensure that we follow the template they provide to ensure our by-laws include required sections. There was no time limit given.  Dan will do the review and report the results.

Logo hats were discussed.  Ron said that he had contacted “welogoanything” and they said that our logo had too many colors for an embroidery but they could do a patch or they could simplify our logo with fewer colors and possibly do the embroidery.  They will modify our logo and send to Ron for review.

Patrick Ireland,  District Supervisor, Inland Fisheries, TPWD was our speaker.  Patrick explained the breadth of the role they play in local fisheries.

Dan adjourned the meeting at 7:45 pm.