Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting

Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting

09/22/2021 – Summit Pavilion

Ron DeMeyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.  There were 12 members present.  The fly raffle netted $31.00

Brien will check with the library to see if it is possible to reserve the meeting room.  Ron will attempt to find a speaker for October if we can meet at the library where there are audio/visual capabilities.

Gary Nyland informed the group that he would like to start “fly tying night” in the fall if we could find a place to have it.  Pat McQuinn thought that Darryl Yarbrough had said that the club house at the Summit was available.  Ron will double check with Darryl.

Pat McQuinn said we have 30 current members.  He will be sending out notices soon to those members who haven’t provided their FFI membership renewal info to him.

There are no outings scheduled.  Pat McQuinn said we should plan a trip to Guadalupe State Park.  Phil Lambrecht thought another place would be the Blanco River near the Blanco State Park for more and bigger fish.  Ron will check it out and schedule a trip in the near future.

Ron said we will have officer elections at the October meeting.  Any who may want to throw their hat in the ring can contact Ron or wait until the October meeting to volunteer.

Ron had contacted Dan Cone who said he has tentatively designated November 6th for this year’s Holdover Tournament.  The date will be confirmed in the near future.

There was a general discussion about GRTU’s LAP program and that the only change we were aware of was the increase to 1000 members.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.