Minutes of April NBFF Meeting

Meeting was held 04/28/2021 at the Summit Resort Pavilion.

Dan Cone called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

The fly raffle netted $47.00.

Brien John couldn’t attend the meeting but emailed Ron DeMeyer that he would be filing the club’s Texas Franchise Taxes this week.

Pat McQuinn, Director of Membership, reported that we had 31 members.

Ron said that the outing on the Guadalupe had five members attend and that a few trout and sunfish were caught.  He also said that it was a cold and windy day.

Rather than a speaker, there was a “Casting Rodeo” consisting of three stations.  John Schlobohm was the winner.  Everyone had a good time participating and it was suggested that we should do this again.