May Fly Fishing Report

To all who’ve recently subscribed to our newsletter: Thank you for joining!
It’s time to make summer plans. Lots of folks are planning to get outside. June and July in Colorado is mostly booked, but there’s still time to book August and September. May is a great time to book a trip to experience some epic fly fishing for trout or bass in Texas. Check out to book a trip, buy some gear or gift certificate, or get up to speed on the latest river info.
The flows on the Guadalupe below Canyon Lake are 56 CFS. We are recommending half day float trips for trout because of the lack of water. The water temperatures on the Guadalupe are warming, This is the time of year to be mindful of the water temps if you are targeting trout. There are still some sections below the dam under 70 degrees and safe for trout early mornings. This is the time to enjoy both cold and warm water species. Many great fishing stories of trout biting on a long list of fly patterns (streamers, nymphs, worms, dry flies). Bass are taking poppers and streamers. Flows below the dam could change at any time. It’s very important to keep a watch on the river flows. Wading can become dangerous if you are on the river when the dam suddenly increases its flow. We recommend visiting to stay informed of the lake level and dam release. Make sure to book a trip soon to secure your date.
The fly shop is fully stocked, and our river access is still producing some trout catches in addition to some of the warm water species. Due to decreasing demand, shop hours will reduce to Wednesday through Saturday 8am to 5pm, Sunday will still be 8am to 3pm. Mondays and Tuesdays will be open as needed, just give us a call. Beginning May 28 the Action Angler fly shop and river access will be closed to the public until mid October as we turn our focus to guiding in Colorado. Appointments to purchase items from the fly shop during this time can be made by email, or purchases can be made through or website at any time of the year. Guided fly fishing trips and lessons with our numerous qualified guides are also available by email.
We continue to have the most experienced guides on the river. Please let us know if there are any issues with booking trips online. There’s still some dates available in May for bass trips. Check out to book a trip, buy some gear or gift certificate, or get up to speed on the latest river info. (All of our guides have been vaccinated for COVID-19)
Action Angler is a booking agent and guide for 1, 2, and 3 day float trips on the Gunnison River through the Gunnison Gorge and lower Gunnison River. This allows us to hold preferred dates for our clients. The Gunnison Gorge is thought of by many as a Top 20 Destination To See Before You Die, and also referred to as a mini-Grand Canyon. There’s one boat left to reserve for the month of June on the 3rd. The lower Gunnison River is an easier-paced section, with day trips starting at $700. Please contact us for details.
If you are planning to be in the Aspen or Glenwood Springs areas in the summertime or early fall, call Aspen Fly Fishing and/or Crystal Fly Shop to book trips. Be sure to request Chris Jackson as your guide. If you are planning to be in the Crested Butte or Gunnison areas in the summertime or early fall, call Dragonfly Anglers to book trips on the upper Gunnison River and request Chris Jackson as your guide.
The next meeting for the New Braunfels Fly Fishers is scheduled for May 25, 2022. The annual holdover tournament has been scheduled for November 5, 2022.
Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited Troutfest is scheduled for February 17-19, 2023. Go to grtu,org for more details.
Our annual Learn to Fly Fish 2 hour class is scheduled for December 3, 2022 from 9am to 11am. A second class from 2pm to 4pm will be added if there’s enough demand. There’s a maximum of 20 anglers per class. The entry fee is $40 per angler, and is nonrefundable. Please email to register.
Thank you for supporting our small business. We hope everyone is safe and healthy during these difficult times. Sincerely,
Chris Jackson Owner/Lead Guide
Go Where the Action Is!
830-708-FISH (830-708-3474)