Living Waters Guadalupe Holdover FB live class

Saturday, October 10th @ 10 A.M. CST – on IG and FB Live
Hunting Holdovers: Pursuing Naturalized Trout on the Guadalupe.
Many are familiar with the Guadalupe River trout fishery and the fact that it is our primary guiding destination during the cooler months. However, before the unofficial trout season actually starts, many anglers try their luck at hooking “holdovers” (Trout that have made it through the hot Texas summer). Chris has chased holdover trout intentionally for the last 10+ years on the Guadalupe and more often than not, he finds them! While it is great fun trying to hunt the proverbial needle in the haystack, there are several things that anglers need to know to increase their effectiveness in catching and successfully releasing Texas’ holdovers. Join Chris this Saturday as he covers the following topics:
• Water temperature and its importance
• How to safely handle and release your catch
• How to pick the best days for holdover hunting
• Targeting the tailrace: where to look for holdovers
• Proper fish-fighting techniques that will aid in an effective release
• Techniques and fly selection