Angler’s Covey is in Colorado.
Gone are the days where a tube of gink was your only option for keeping your fly dry. Now, though, the options are overwhelming and can get confusing fast. When and why do we choose each type of floatant?
GEL: Traditional Silicon Floatant Gel, such as Loon Aquel and Gink, work best on patterns fresh out of your fly box before your fly hits the water. These gels work to repel water from the fly to keep it floating longer.
LIQUID: The @loonoutdoors Fly Dip is a game-changing floatant. To use, you simply dip your fly into the liquid. It quickly dries and seals out water and brings life back into any dry fly, even flies with CDC!
PASTE: Have you found that keeping your fly floating is more difficult because your tippet is sinking and dragging your fly along with it?
POWDER: Shimazaki is my all-time favorite. This powder has both a desiccant and floatant in it, which means it not only re-applies floatant to your fly, but actively draws water out of it as well.
•…/how-to-choose-your-dry…/… for the full blog.
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