27 March Meeting at the Library


Our guest speaker this month is Zack Neville of Zack Neville Fly Fishers.

Zach Neville Outfitters is a fly fishing guide service based in Bozeman, Montana.They offer float or walk/wade fishing trips on some of the area’s finest rivers and creeks including: The Yellowstone, Madison, Gallatin, Missouri and Bighorn rivers. Regardless of your background or level of experience, their welcoming and highly experienced team of guides can provide you with a fun, valuable, and educational time on the water.

Additionally, Landon Rowlett of the Alamo Fly Fishers will be giving an update on the upcoming Bud Priddy Fly Fishing Tournament.

Hope to see all of you there!!!  Guest always welcome.

REMEMBER: The meeting this month is at the new location at the New Braunfels Library  700 East Common Street in NB!!!!

Guest Speaker Zach Neville


Once again our club outing Director Ron DeMeyer organized a trip to the GUAD and we met at RIO Rafts at 7:30 am.  Members attending were Ron DeMeyer, Jerry Horton, Phil Lambrecht, Mike Wright, Jeff O’Bara, Gary Nyland and Pat McQuinn.  As You can see by the pictures, it was Ready, Get set, and then go!!  Also a few pictures of fish we caught.  Jeff O’Bara got the big fish of the day with a 20 inch rainbow and I , Mike Wright caught a Brown Bomber(ie Sucker) that was 18 inches!!!  Ha!! Ron caught the most with 3 fish to the net. Small size seemed to be the ticket with size 22 RS-2 and size 18 zebra midge being the go to flys.

Ready to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice Rainbow by Phil Lambrecht



20 inch Rainbow by Jeff O’Bara
Brown Bomber by Mike Wright. Anything counts!!!



Phil Lambrecht provided this input:::

Here is the information on my fly fishing for white bass yesterday.

I put in my kayak at the Rebecca Creek road crossing over the Guadalupe and paddled down 1.5 miles to a place where a water falls prevents white bass from going any more upstream.  On google map there is a business icon called Rock Bed Stop at that location.  From there down about the next 600 yards I got white bass takes.  I was really surprised that I had the place to myself for the first 2 hours, then a nice young man from New Braunfels, also fly fishing, showed up.  Of interest–he just graduated from A&M and has an online fly tying business.  I have included a photo of his card as I am trying to get him to help our club with fly tying class.  I had about a dozen hook ups and landed nine white bass, all on small clouser like patterns in black and white and dark red and white.  All fish were males and have not spawned yet so fishing should be good for at least another 10 days and will get even better when the females get there.  With a motor boat one can get to this location coming up stream from the lake. Fish put up a really good fight–a 3 weight rod would be just about ideal for them.  Also had first fillets for supper last night and they eat well.
