700 Springs Tour Date Set

700 Springs Tour 2019 Date Set – Saturday morning, April 27,
At 10:00 o’clock, a motorcade is scheduled to leave the Courthouse in Junction for the 20-mile drive to the site known as Seven Hundred Springs (Highway 377, S).  There is no admission charge; however, donations to benefit the local historical museum are appreciated.   You may need a light wrap or sweater, as the Springs’ area can be a bit chilly.  Bring a sack lunch and bottled water.  We do have a few rules – no swimming or fishing.  Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.  We discourage bringing pets, but if that is necessary, they must be on a leash.  Parking is in a designated area.  Cameras are allowed.  You must wait for the lead car before entering the Springs property.  We will be traversing a scenic route, so drive with care – river crossings, steep hills, winding road, etc.  Others may be joining the motorcade en-route.  It is sometimes not possible to get to the Springs in the event of rain, but the weather seems promising for the coming weekend.  The program will consist of a history of the Springs and its environs, and an insight into how the Springs began.  You will also learn of the outlaw era along the South Llano River and beyond.  If you have further questions, please feel free to call Frederica Wyatt @ 325-446-2477 or send an e-mail to fywatt30@cebridge.net .

March 12th Fly Tying Night

Just a reminder that we will be doing Fly tying at the American Legion Hall on 410 West Coll St., New Braunfels from 7-9 pm. next Tuesday March 12th.  Come in the front door and we are in the first door to the right.
Rumor has it that the White Bass are running so we are going to be tying a favorite fly of theirs.  The Clouser
You may bring your own equipment or the club has equipment you can use.
Hope to see you there.


It was a little chilly and the wind was blowing moderately, but 7 intrepid souls(Jeff O’Bara, Gary Nyland, Dewitt Bebout, Ron DeMeyer, Dick Holte, Pamela Jennings, Bill Baker and Brien John) showed up for the casting class.  We focused on basics to include grip, stance, constant acceleration to a stop and mastering the 4 part cast.  We also had a Skagit rig that we were introduced to and got to cast that too.  As the instructor, I felt there was a lot of improvement in the individual casters after we reviewed the basics and reinforced the muscle memory for the basic cast.  Hope to see you all and more on March the 23rd for the advanced casting class held at the same time and place.

NBFF casting class’s are open to all

Mike Wright will be at Cypress Bend Park from 9:00 am – 11:30 am on Saturday, March 2nd, helping us with our casting abilities.  The class will focus on grips, stances, the pickup and lay down cast, shooting line and line control.  He will be stressing the part of the cast that is when, how and how much power is applied and trajectory.  Rods and reels are available if requested.  Cost is free for NBFF members and $10 for non-members.  The $10 fee will be waived if non-members join the club that day.

He will be holding an advanced casting class on Saturday, March 23rd