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The Guadalupe is fishing well
Fishing is still going strong on the Guadalupe. The weather is a cold in the morning, but fishing is not bad all day. See the link below for the vid on the Palomino trout. Seems like everything from woolybuggers to size 22 RS2’s are working right now along with worm and egg pattern’s. A girdle bug followed by a zebra midge, hare’s ear or a San Juan has been good.
Winter Euro Nymphing
Josh Miller live from the crick, just having fun catching some fish! The water was in the mid 30’s and the air temp was in the low 40’s. During these conditions my tempo moving through the stream starts quickly until I find the fish, then I plant my feet and work that water type by switching flies and making different drifts. Then after finding the water type the fish are in, its generally easy to walk the river and find the same looking type of water – Feature, depth, and speed. Jumping to those spots and covering more fish. The better looking “fast” water yielded me literally zero fish this day. Just loving life! Enjoy your day, and hope you are fly fishing on the water soon! Josh Miller Fly Fishing Team USA Pennsylvania Fly Fishing Guide
Link to video Euro Nymphing
Found Gold on the Guadalupe
NBFF Meeting Minutes of 12/09/20
Summary of Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting
12/09/2020 – Summit Resort Pavilion
Dan Cone called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
The fly raffle netted $37.00
Pat McQuinn, Director of Membership, reported that we had 32 members.
Gary Nyland, Co-director of Fly Tying, reported that we have lost the American Legion Hall for fly tying due to a change of management. Since there are no fly tying sessions being held due to Coved-19, we would try to find a site closer to when the sessions could resume.
Ron DeMeyer said that the last outing to CVC had four attendees and all caught fish. The next outing is scheduled for December 23rd to Castell to fish for state stocked fish.
A discussion ensued concerning where to hold future meetings and the consensus was that we would ask Darryl Yarbrough to ask the Summit if we could hold our January 27th meeting there. If the weather is too cold, we will cancel.
Dan Cone said that Action Angler will be holding a Trout 101 class on January 9th and a Trout 201 class on January 10th. Both classes will be 4 hours.
Our speaker for the evening was Dakus Geeslin who gave us a great presentation on the GRTU Youth Trout Camp. The Youth Trout Camp hosts between 25 – 30 youths aged 12 to 17. The goal of the camp is to get attendees out into the environment, acquainted with the river and fly fishing. One parent must accompany the attendee and it has been held at Rio Guadalupe for six years. There are fishery management personnel and game wardens who also speak at the event.
He gave us an idea of what happens at camp beginning with helping GRTU stock trout on Saturday morning followed by lunch. Saturday afternoon consists of knot tying, rigging and casting. They also sample the river to identify insects and other trout food. This is followed by dinner, then fly tying. Then Chris Johnson’s videos until sleep time. Sunday begins with fishing with guides and other experienced personnel. There are both float and wade trips. Sunday afternoon is reinforcement of what has been learned by other young people who have gone before them and discussions on what they might want to pursue.
There is an application process which includes a short essay on why they would like to attend. Applications are accepted September through November. Information about the camp is disseminated via GRTU forum, social media and the Texas Brigade. The cost of the camp is $150 – $200 per attendee and some assistance is available. Dakus said the club could help with gear, flies, fly boxes, and volunteering.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.