Video from Jim Gray on Carp Fishing

Jim has been a speaker a number of times at our club meeting and has a lot of knowledge on fishing a number of the local areas, very fun to listen to.
He had posted this video on his facebook page and I thought I would share it on our page here for those that may not know Mr Gray.
Hope you enjoy!
Three years ago, Chris Johnson and I sat down to talk about carp. I get a lot of requests for a video of my carp presentation, and while this isn’t in the format of a presentation, it does cover a lot of the same material. If you are interested in catching carp on the fly, this is a good place to start.

NBFF March 22nd meeting

The NBFF will meet at 7:00 pm on March 22nd at the New Braunfels Public Library.  Our speaker for the evening will be Jimbo Roberts, renowned fly fisher.  Jimbo’s presentation will be “Dry Fly Fishing on the Guad”.  Hope you all can make it.

See you there,