NBFF Club Meeting 5/22/2024

AGENDA – NBFF Club Meeting 5/22/2024

Intro = Dan
Catch & release update
New Braunfels News Paper (Herald-Zeitung) article update
Club elections = any nominations for board positions?
Action Angler closing for the season
Treasurer Report = Brien
Director’s Reports
a. Fly Tying – Gary Nyland
b. Membership – Pat McQuinn
c. Education – Chris Long
d. Website – Ed Sweet
e. Outings—Pat McQuinn on behalf of Ron

Club Survey Update = Pat (Boy Scouts merit badge)

Fish Feeding Program update = Pat

Guest Speaker = Cassio Silva = Bass fishing in the Guadalupe

Fly Raffle = Jerry Horton

June 26th our next club meeting

NBFF Meeting Minutes of 4/24/24

Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting


Dan Cone called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm at the New Braunfels Public Library.
Dan presented the Spring 2024 River Cleanup which is being sponsored by GRTU with Texas Fly Fishers and Texas State Fly Fishers support. We are to meet at Rio Guadalupe Saturday May 11 th at 8:30. Dan asked for volunteers to participate by going out to the designated locations early to organize those folks at each location. At 1:00 we are to meet at L&;L for lunch.
Treasurer’s report = Brien John reported that the club had a positive balance Brien reported that the annual FFI report had been submitted
Fly-Tying report = Gary Nyland reported the next class will be May 2nd at the West Side Community Center from 6 – 8. He is planning that we will be tying elk hair caddis flies.
Membership report = Pat McQuinn reported that the club roster was unchanged from last month with 48 active members. There are three new members pending submittal of their information. Mark Fillman was attending the meeting and had submitted his FFI application that day. James Ramos and Kyle Lenz are the other two perspective new members but they were not at the meeting.
Education = Chris Long was not in attendance but had reported to Dan that he had received a donation from Scientific Angler of new fly lines for the club’s training rods; and reels. Chris was in the process of installing the new fly lines.
Website = Ed Sweet reported that the website had 2,154 followers. There had been 350 views in the past 30 days.
Outings = Ron DeMeyer reported that he had scheduled two new outings. One for Wednesday May 15 th meeting at #5. He asked that those planning on coming to please let him know as there is a five car limit at #5 so we may need to carpool. The second outing is scheduled for Saturday May 18 at Rio Guadalupe. We will fish till lunch and then meet at the Horseshoe Grill.
Club Survey = Pat had updated the survey results since our April club meeting. We had discussions on how to proceed with implementation.
 Suggestion was made to prioritize the top 5.
 Pat will get with Chris Long to discuss proceeding with Education.
 Pat will also get with Jeff to discuss Mentoring.
 Ron addressed some of the concerns with outings about giving more notice and scheduling a weekend outing. With the current two outings scheduled for May 15 and; 18 this addresses this concern. Dan’s presentation on river access gave some ideas of future outings possibly on the Llano.
 Eric is going to contact the Boy Scouts to discuss the possibility of NBFF assisting them with one of their merit badges. Brien reported the last involvement NBFF had with the Boy Scouts was in 2015.
 It was suggested that the Board put the recommended budget together. Brien agreed to create a budget.
Fish Feeding Program = The feeding program is now in place for 2024. We currently have 14 volunteers. Volunteers are booked for May and; June.
Speaker = Dan presented the www.tpwd.maps website. This site has all of the leases that TPWD has in Texas and all of the fishing access locations. The presentation gave the club several locations to consider for outings both locally in New Braunfels and several on the Llano. He also provided some pointers for bass fishing with leaders and flies.
Fly Raffle = Ron conducted the fly raffle.
May’s club meeting = Wednesday May 22 nd will be our next club meeting. Our guest speaker
will be Cassio Silva and his focus will be bass fishing on the Guadalupe. Cassio is with All Water Guides. You can preview Cassio at www.allwaterguides.com.

Improving boat ramps

May be an image of 9 people

It’s been a busy morning at Boat Ramp #7!
We are extending the boat ramp by 100 feet.
Extensions happening at some of the maintained ramps are very specific to their location and function, with safety always a priority.
All nine of the county ramps are closed right now, but hand launching kayaks and canoes is still allowed.

Meeting Wed the 24th

Reminder, our next club meeting is this Wednesday the 24th at the New Braunfels Public Library on E. Commons.  6:00 to 8:00. Survey Results to be discussed, think about which item or items you would like to volunteer for.

AGENDA – NBFF Club Meeting 4/24/2024

Intro = Dan

Treasurer Report = Brien

Director’s Reports

a. Fly Tying – Gary
b. Membership – Pat
c. Education – Chris
d. Website – Ed
e. Outings—Ron

Club Survey Update = Pat

Catch & Release = Dan

Fish Feeding Program update

Texas River Access Presentation = Dan

Fly Raffle = Ron

May 22nd will be our next club meeting

Land and Sky

Hello All Dark Sky Friends,u

Join us for the second annual Land and Sky Event. Get Early bird tickets by April 21st.

Great Music and dancing under the stars, food truck, BYOB.

Dot’s Spots Hip Camp May 11th 5PM til Midnight.

Proceeds benefit Comal County Conservation Alliance and the Comal County Friends of the Night Sky.