September 7, 2024 Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers Meeting

September 7, 2024 – Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers Club Meeting

When: 09/07/2024 9:30 AM, CST
Where: 451 Guadalupe St, Kerrville Tex 78028

Will you be attending

CLUB MEETING – 9:45 am, Saturday Sept 7, 2024
Dietert Center, 451 Guadalupe St, Kerrville, TX 78028

OKTOBERFISCH Planning & Brainstorming, and General Business

Since 2008, Oktoberfisch™ has been THCFF’s annual fly fishing celebration and festival centered around fly fishing, family, and learning.  

This event takes a lot of brainstorming, planning, and coordination.  We need volunteers and ask everyone’s help, old members and new members alike to step up and support this major club fundraising event. 

This year, our club will partner with the Texas Council of the FFI to help us stage this event.  TX Council’s presence will help extend Oktoberfische’s draw to scores of other Texas Fly Fishing Clubs.


Volunteers will have plenty of time to enjoy the event. With adequate club volunteers participating in this event, each person’s commitment will be just a few hours. 

Early planning and participation are key.  This fun event has been so successful in the past because of our club’s early efforts in planning, and teamwork. 

Please attend this meeting and be ready to roll up your sleeves and assist your fellow club members put together a great event.

Meeting Leader:  Jeff Schroeder


1. Opening Comments – Jeff Schroder

2. Overview of what is already in place.

3. Brainstorming – All

4. Planning – All

5. Closing comments – Jeff Schroder

The THCFF Club 2024 calendar promises to be an exciting time for THCFF currently with 130 members strong. With an emphasis on fishing and fellowship, we are working hard at planning a full slate of club events spanning the entire 2024 year.

Updates from Living Waters

Learn to tie Johnson’s Speed Goat Diver on September 25th.

Greetings Fellow Fly Fishers!

Mother Nature is unpredictable and often puts a damper on our best laid plans, but with the help of modern weather forecasting, we can see ahead to adjust for better outcomes. Become Weather Wise on September 7th during a special livestream YouTube class on how to analyze hydrometric and atmospheric data to your advantage when planning fishing trips!

New to fly fishing? Join us at the fly shop on Saturday, September 14th for Introduction to Fly Fishing! During this FREE event day, we’ll take you through the the fundamentals of fly casting, tackle and rigging, as well as local access points. All equipment is provided! Registration is required.

Austin Orr of Elevate Fly Casting will join us at the fly shop on September 21st for a DIY Texas Coast presentation. He’ll break down the target species and locations for planning your own self-guided wade or kayak trip to the Texas coast and cover multiple species including redfish, black drum, speckled trout, snook and even tarpon!

Fly fishing is often associated with rivers, creeks, and streams, but our area lakes should not be forgotten! Grahame Jones of All Water Guides will share his best tips and access for Fly Fishing Central Texas Lakes at the fly shop on September 28th. You’ll learn the gear, tackle, and technique adjustments necessary to call up and land big fish out of deep waters. Don’t miss this opportunity to add to your fly fishing arsenal!

The first and second Wednesdays of the month are in-person Instructional Fly Tying for Beginner and Intermediate+ level tyers. Beginners, please register in advance.

The third Wednesday of the month is in-person Roundtable Fly Tying, and the fourth Wednesday of the month is Virtual Fly Tying.

For more event details head to our Events & Education page!

Take care and God Bless!

Tight Lines,
Living Waters Fly Fishing

Fishes of Texas Naturalist Contest

Calling to action Texas anglers and fish enthusiasts! We want YOUR help to track occurrences of our native Texas fishes.
Introducing the Fishes of Texas iNaturalist Contest!
Every 2 months we will spotlight a different species starting off with the state fish of Texas, Guadalupe Bass. Win this first challenge by submitting the most observations of Guadalupe Bass to the Fishes of Texas Project on iNaturalist between July 1st- August 31st. Each submission will strengthen the dataset used by TPWD and researchers across the state to aid in the conservation of Guadalupe Bass and our river ecosystems 🐟
Contest Rules:
• Observations must occur between July 1st – August 31st and tagged to the Fishes of TX iNaturalist project.
• One fish per observation with photo quality good enough to correctly ID to species.
• Location information must be within 100m of accuracy.
Learn more about Guadalupe Bass:
Download the iNaturalist mobile app:
Learn more about how to use iNaturalist:
Add your observations to the Fishes of Texas Project:
Learn more about the Fishes of Texas Project:
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July 13, 2024 – Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers Club Meeting

When: 07/13/2024 9:30 AM, CST
Where: 451 Guadalupe St, Kerrville Tex 78028

Judson Cole – Guest Speaker

Judson Cole owns/operates the Rio Anglers guide service in partnership with the Rio Guadalupe Resort. Rio Anglers is part of the Rio Guadalupe Resort, headquartered on the Guadalupe River at the 4th Crossing on River Rd., New Braunfels, TX. HGR offers cabins, RV sites, tube rentals/ shuttles, and a fishing guide service.

Guided trips fish the Guadalupe for trout and the other surrounding rivers (San Marcos, Colorado, Blanco, and Llano rivers) for bass and panfish, and a saltwater guide on staff. They also offer a booking service for saltwater trips to Port Aransas. Meet Judson at the club meeting and learn about the great opportunities that await.

Meeting Leader:  Jeff Schroeder


1. Opening Comments – Jeff Schroder

2. Upcoming Events – Jim Hines

3. Event – Judson Cole, Rio Anglers

4. Closing comments – Jeff Schroder

The THCFF Club 2024 calendar promises to be an exciting time for THCFF starting the year off with 130 members strong. With an emphasis on fishing and fellowship, we are working hard at planning a full slate of club events spanning the entire 2024 year. 

Feel free to reach out to me at if I can assist; or, you have ideas for meeting speakers or club activities. 

I wish you “tight lines” and remember to “Leave it better than you found it.”

-Jeff Schroeder, president