Austin Kayak demo days

Come join us at our SPRING DEMO DAYS where you can have the opportunity to test the best and newest kayaks on the market. Have a conversation with the brand representatives and ask any questions to our team of experts.

We will be on the water ready to help you! This event is open to the public and free of charge (waiver required on site)

For dates, hours of operation and locations, please refer to the graphic or visit:

ACK Spring Demo Day 2020 – Austin, TX

date and time
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
11400 N Mopac Expy, Austin, TX 78759-3501, United States

For those of you that knew Mike Wright

Mike Wright passed away on March 7th.  Mike was a friend and valued member of our club.  He always participated in our activities whether it was a tournament, an outing, our board of directors, education, modernizing our website or increasing membership.

He has been, or currently was, a Vice President on our board, Director of Membership, Director of Communications and Director of Education.  Mike’s expertise made our members better fishers and our club more vibrant.  Any of us who took advantage of Mike’s knowledge are better for it today.  Mike will be missed by us all.

At this time, I have no information on a memorial service but will pass that on when, and if, I know of any.

I have included a post by Mike’s granddaughter.

Fishing has really picked up on the Guadalupe

Fly Fishing Report

To all who’ve recently subscribed to our newsletter: Thank you for joining!

The first trout stocking on the Guadalupe is complete. GRTU stocked 8,000 pounds of Rainbow trout from FM306 to the 2nd crossing bridge (the Trout Special Regulation Zone) ranging 15 to 20 plus inches. These fish are still getting adjusted to their new environment and need extra attention during catch and release. Playing the fish quick and keeping the fish in the water for pics will help the fish survive. Lots of folks are enjoying some great fly fishing and excellent weather.

Store hours have returned to 7 days a week. Parking is available for fly fishing access for $10 per person. 2 hour fly fishing lessons are available for $100 per angler.

All of the local rivers currently have ideal flows and temperatures. Lots of bass and perch are being caught deep on sink tip fly lines using various minnow patterns. Trout are being caught with all techniques. The nymph fishing includes eggs, worms, soft hackles, midges, caddis, and various mayfly emergers. Dry fly fishing has been good at times with caddis, and various mayfly patterns. Streamer fishing has been good with basic Wooly Buggers. Please contact us if you want to experience some great hill country fly fishing.

Flows on the Guadalupe below Canyon Lake are currently at 97 CFS. The Canyon Lake level is a few feet low and flows could reduce more if rainfall doesn’t increase. It’s very important to keep a watch on the river flows. Wading can become dangerous if you are on the river when the dam suddenly increases its flow. We recommend visiting to stay informed of the lake level and dam release.

There are a good number of trout that have made it through the summer. Good flows through the summer, lower fishing pressure during spawning times, and a new feeding program from GRTU have helped increase these numbers. Small Rainbow trout under 10 inches have been found in the holdover areas indicating some trout reproduction. TXPW has done a shocking study to learn more, and an official report should be available soon.

Don’t be intimidated by the skills needed to fish the warm water species. By booking a half day trip or 2 hour lesson, we can provide the equipment needed and show you how to use it. We can also schedule 2-hour lessons for trout fishing. This is a great way to break into the sport or improve skills.

Please contact us if you want to experience some great Colorado or Hill Country fly fishing. Guided trips and gift certificates can be purchased online at by clicking the “BOOK NOW” button.

I’d like to fill you in on the most recent news in the Texas Hill Country and west/central Colorado.

News and updates:

1. Action Angler is a booking agent and guide for 1, 2, and 3 day float trips on the Gunnison River through the Gunnison Gorge and lower Gunnison River. This allows us to hold preferred dates for our clients. The Gunnison Gorge is thought of by many as a Top 20 Destination To See Before You Die, and also referred to as a mini-Grand Canyon. The lower Gunnison River is an easier-paced section, with day trips starting at $600. Please contact us for details.

2. The next meeting for the New Braunfels Fly Fishers is scheduled for January 28, 2020. The next GRTU meeting is November 16.

3. Action Angler will be hosting its 14th annual fly fishing event on December 7 from 9am to 11am. Texas Parks and Wildlife will be stocking over 1000 trout for this event. This is a great opportunity to learn the basics of fly fishing, and tips for fly fishing the Guadalupe River. Instruction will be given by local fly fishing guides, and the cost for the instruction will be $30 per person with a maximum of 20 anglers. Demo fly rods will be available, and personal equipment is welcome.  A limited amount of waders and boots will be available for rental for $20. Sponsors for the event will donate product samples for the participants. Reservation is required. Please email us at

4. If you are planning to be in the Aspen or Glenwood Springs areas in the summertime or early fall, call Aspen Fly Fishing and/or Crystal Fly Shop to book trips.  Be sure to request Chris Jackson as your guide.

If you are planning to be in the Crested Butte or Gunnison areas in the summertime or early fall, call Dragonfly Anglers to book trips on the upper Gunnison River and request Chris Jackson as your guide.

5. Please let us know if you are interested in a premier Bull Trout fly fishing destination in the Northern Rockies of British Columbia.

Here are a few nice river homes to stay at while visiting the Guadalupe River. Two of them are located across the street from the fly shop and can sleep up to 8.


Chris Jackson, Owner/Lead Guide
Go Where the Action Is!
830-708-FISH (830-708-3474)

2hr Lessons: Learn to Fly Fish
Learn More
Book a full or half day trip on the Guadalupe
Book a Trip
Gunnison River Trips through Black Canyon Anglers 
Learn More

Trout fishing will be good this year

Here is a word from a local fly shop, Living Waters in Round Rock. Please take note of good practice on handling of any fish, and water temps. This really applies to the trout here, if you handle them too much, catch them in warm water, hold them out of the water, you are killing them. Never ever put your fingers into their gills, or hold them by their lips. Good practice and care year around will mean more fish all year. Pictures at the bottom.

Stop by Action Angler’s shop at the third crossing, or check their web site for update’s and to book a guide. The shop is open now, Wed thru the weekend, closed Monday and Tuesday till November. We have a wade access point for $10.00. Action Angler or call 830-708-3474. I really think this could be one of those banner years, so if you want a guided trip, I would go to the above link and use the book now button and get in before it fills up.

The GRTU Lease Access Program sold out in just six days and the weather is starting to cool off which can only mean one thing…. our unofficial Texas trout season is just around the corner!
So, just to get you even more excited, check out these photos from the last week on the Guadalupe River.

All of the fish pictured were caught in water temps below 70 degrees, were played/released quickly, and never lifted from the water for photos.

We saw plenty of large holdover trout (browns and rainbows) and lots of small 4-6in. wild rainbows as well! As the weather cools off even more we won’t have to worry about this near as much, but PLEASE if you intend to target trout in the near future here are some recommendations to live by:

1. Do not target trout when the water temp is 70 degrees fahrenheit or above! Switch species and chase sunfish, bass, and striper if the water gets too warm.
2. Always carry a water thermometer and use it often! Check surface temps near the main current for accurate readings. If the water is too warm, simply head well upstream to cooler water or pursue other species.
3. When taking pictures of trout during our summer/fall air temps, please do not lift the fish out of the water. Grip and grins are for cooler temps. Keep your fish in the water at all times if possible.
4. Use a net. This helps the fish recover and keeps handling to a minimum. It makes picture taking a breeze as well.
5. Fight fish quickly. Everyone loves a good fish fight, but during higher water/air temps put the pressure on. The brown trout pictured was caught on Tenkara and was in the net in well under a minute. Play them fast and you will ensure a healthy release.

We are looking forward to a fantastic trout season and could not be more thrilled at the current condition of our Guadalupe trout. So, as the temps drop, go enjoy your local trout fishery but remember to check temps before/while you fish and treat your catch with the utmost respect! See you on the water!