Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting 10/23/2024

Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting


Dan Cone was not able to attend.  Pat McQuinn called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm at the Westside Community Center Library.

GRTU River Clean Up was a big success this past October 19th.  There were approximately 90 participants including students from Texas A&M and Texas State.

Catch and Release was discussed.  The draft letter the club has written may need to have some revisions made.  The discussion was tabled for a later time.

LAP Process = We discussed the status of the LAP process.  With the process being complete packets are now being mailed out to the participants.

Holdover Tournament = Ron DeMeyer discussed the Holdover Tournament which is scheduled for November 2nd.  Due to parking availability the tournament has been moved from Action Angler to Rio Guadalupe.  The tournament will get kicked off at 8:00 AM with Ron distributing the tournament rules and the score card.  There are currently 29 participants.

Jud Cole was our guest speaker.  Jud presented the history of the Guadalupe River water shed and the building of the Canyon Lake Dam to prevent flash flooding with the lake being filled in 1965.  Jud also presented the fly patterns to use early in the season and progressing through the season.

Treasurer’s report = Brien John reported that we are ok and solvent in the account.  He has also developed a budget that the board needs to review and approve.

Fly-Tying report = Gary Nyland reported that there were 10 folks that attended the last class.  The class tied copper johns which is one of the more difficult flies to tie.  Next class will be November 9th from 6:00 – 8:00 at the Westside Community Center.  Gary is planning on the class tying the woolly bugger.

Membership report = Pat McQuinn reported that the club roster has 48 active members.  He emphasized for members to check their FFI membership expiration date.  This date needs to be kept current with notification of renewal being sent to Pat so that the club roster can be kept up to date.

Education = Chris Long was not in attendance so we did not have an education report.

Website = The position of Director of the Website remains open.  We need a volunteer to step up and take this position. We had 2000 post likes and we are up to 2.1K followers and the site, both Facebook and the web page are doing well.

Outings = Ron DeMeyer reported that we did not have any outings planned.  The next outing will most likely be to Castell in December pending TPWD’s stocking schedule.  Jud mentioned that WinterFisch is in Mason on December 7th which could also be a possibility.

Club Survey = Pat reported that the Scouts had been contacted and their first available date for NBFF to present fly fishing will be April 16, 2025.  This weekend the Scouts are having a canoeing and fishing campout so this will be a good opportunity for NBFF. Details will be following.

Fish Feeding Program = The feeding program is wrapping up.  October 28th will be the last week of feeding.

BigHorn Angler September 2025 = The deposits for this “bucket list” trip are due the first week of November.  Anyone interested please speak up.  Time is running out.

Fly Raffle = Ron conducted the fly raffle which raised more $$ than it ever has in the past.  Thanks to all that participated.

November/December’s club meeting = Our next club meeting will be Wednesday December 11.  Due to the holidays November & December’s meetings are combined into one.  We will be meeting at the Public Library on E. Commons from 6:00 – 8:00.

November 2, 2024 – Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers Club Meeting

November 2, 2024 – Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers Club Meeting

When: 11/02/2024 9:30 AM, CST
Where: 451 Guadalupe St, Kerrville Tex 78028

CLUB MEETING – 9:45 am, Saturday Sept 7, 2024
Dietert Center, 451 Guadalupe St, Kerrville, TX 78028

Results of OKTOBERFISCH 2024, and General Business Meeting

THCFF’s annual fly fishing celebration, festival and fund raiser was held on October 12-13 in Kerrville and we need to review the results. Specifically the financial results, brainstorm what worked, what did not work, how we can improve for 2025 and beyond.

There is a need to discuss additional key positions within the club.


1. Opening Comments – Jeff Schroder

2. Club Financials – Tim Gikas

3. Oktoberfisch 2024

  • Thank You to Volunteers
  • General Discussion
  • What worked – What did not work

4. Key positions – Board to review

5. Closing comments – Jeff Schroder

  • Communication to members.
  • Club participation expectations.
  • Non-profit business requirements.
  • Trout Lease – Lease Member support.


Meeting Leader:  Jeff Schroeder  jeffschroeder@thcff.org


1. Opening Comments – Jeff Schroder

2. Overview of what is already in place.

3. Brainstorming – All

4. Planning – All

5. Closing comments – Jeff Schroder

The THCFF Club 2024 calendar promises to be an exciting time for THCFF currently with 130 members strong. With an emphasis on fishing and fellowship, we are working hard at planning a full slate of club events spanning the entire 2024 year. 

Feel free to reach out to me at  jeffschroeder@thcff.org if I can assist; or, you have ideas for meeting speakers or club activities. 

I wish you “tight lines” and remember to “Leave it better than you found it.”

-Jeff Schroeder, president

Check out THCFF Upcoming Events.  See more…

Check out THCFF Mentoring Program.  Learn more…

Do you have an idea for a program?  Submit your ideas to Jim Hines, THCFF Programs Director  –  jimhines@thcff.orgTexas Council FFI  Summer 2024 Newsletter

Click Here

Listen to the Fly Fishing Podcast “Roll Cast” on Apple, Spotify, or any quality podcast streaming service.  Learn more about Hill Country fishing.



Best regards,
Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers

NBFF upcoming meeting


Our next club meeting is this Wednesday, October 23rd.  We will be back at the main public library on E. Commons.  6:00 – 8:00.
Our guest speaker will be Jud Cole.  His topic will be fishing the Guadalupe River.
Hope to see you there!
And, do not forget the holdover tournament is coming up, it is a fun time.
It is our only fundraiser, so, please come out in support of the club.
You do not have to be a “member” of the club, and it is a great way to find out the best locations to fish.

Boat Ramp 18 News

Boat Ramp 18 News:
As we get closer to the recommended low water closure level, we will be monitoring Boat Ramp 18 more closely. The ramp has currently has 24 feet of ramp left, with a steep drop off of approximately 19 inches at the end of the ramp. Please utilize EXTREME caution! We will update the signage if that changes. We don’t recommend any boats with inboard motors or any trailers over 20 feet in length use the ramp.

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Fall 2024 Guadalupe River Cleanup

Mark your calendar now for the 2024 Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited River Cleanup followed by a Trout Season Kick Off event hosted by Gruene Outfitters and Living Waters Fly Fishing!
The Cleanup will take place up and down the Guadalupe River starting at Lazy L&L Campground from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
The 2024 Trout Season Kick Off will run from 3:00 to 9:00 P.M. at Gruene Outfitters and include a variety of fly fishing classes offering tips and techniques for anglers of all skill levels and an after dark showing of the “Trout Tales” movie.

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