Fredericksburg Fly Fishers Oktoberfisch

How We Make A Difference
Oktoberfisch: Annual fly fishing seminar that offers conservation, education, and fishing skills that support game fishing in Texas.
Trout Lease: Annual lease fishing program that provides hands on learning experiences for lease stocking, lease maintenance, and fish sustainability.
Wounded Warriors: Hosted fishing outings w/ Wounded Warriors.
Texas Parks & Wildlife Events: Coordinate club functions with TPWD events.
Schriener University, Kerrville: Donated equipment and instructors to fly fishing training
Marinist Boys Camp in Mountain Home: Donated equipment and instructors to fly fishing training
Llano Watershed Alliance: Membership and endorsement of conservation efforts, donation.
Casting for Recovery: Endorses and supports Casting for Recovery Events, donation.
Reel Recovery: Endorses and supports Casting for Recovery Events, donation.
May be an image of one or more people, fishing rod and body of water
Fredericksburg Fly Fishers Club & Oktoberfisch Event – Edgewater Springs Event Resort, Fredericksburg TX

Living Waters Post-Snowpocalypse

Brushy Creek looks beautiful in a blanket of white, but the extended freeze could result in lasting impact for our local fishery. To learn more, join Chris this Saturday at 10:00 A.M. on Facebook and Instagram Live.

Greetings Fellow Fly Fishers,

We hope that everyone is beginning to see the other side of what has been one of the most bizarre weather events in all of Texas history! It’s been cold before, but wind-chills well below zero and sustained sub-freezing temperatures, well, those aren’t common occurrences in this part of the world. Hopefully everyone is warming up and things are returning to normal.

If you didn’t already know, we had to shut down the fly shop for four days due to the inclement weather and hazardous driving conditions. We re-opened TODAY (Friday 2/19/21) at noon. If you decide to venture out for a visit, please use caution when on the roadways! We have the heater on and the coffee is hot – come and stay awhile! Also, if you need water, ours is properly functioning and you’re welcome to some!

We do have a few weekend announcements to make as well:

  • This Saturday, we will be postponing our Introduction to Fly Fishing class. We are reaching out to all students who signed up and scheduling an alternate date. If you are signed up for the class or have any questions, please call the fly shop.

  • Chris Johnson will be on Facebook and Instagram Live this Saturday at 10:00 A.M. CST to give everyone a brief fisheries update and discuss what the severe cold weather means for our fisheries. He will take time to answer questions as well!

  • Saturday at 12:00 A.M. (Yes, you read that right – Midnight) Living Waters Fly Fishing will be teaming up with local brand Sight Line Provisions for a retailer takeover! Sight Line Provisions owner and good friend Edgar Diaz has been cooped up for a week, just like the rest of us, and reached out to us with a collaboration idea – here’s how the retailer takeover works:
    The takeover lasts 24 hours: 12:00 A.M – 11:59 P.M, Saturday, February 20th, 2021.
    ALL online sales on during that time period are split with Living Waters Fly Fishing to help support both businesses as we recover from the extended closures this past week.
    All Sight Line Provisions products listed on their website are included in the retailer takeover.
    Shipping is FREE on orders over $29
    Thanks again to Edgar Diaz of Sight Line Provisions for making this possible and for supporting our fly shop, we are proud to be a Sight Line dealer!!

That’s it for this round. We pray that everyone is safe, warm, and looking forward to excellent spring fishing that is just around the corner! Take care and God Bless!

Tight Lines,
Living Waters Fly Fishing

New Braunfels Fly Flishers November/December Meeting – Wednesday Dec 9th

Darryl Yarbrough has reserved the Pavilion at the Summit.  We will meet Wednesday, December 9 at 7:00 PM.  The Summit is located at 13105 River Road. Take a right into the venue (toward the river), go to the pool, park and the pavilion is behind the clubhouse.  It is lighted so that shouldn’t be a problem.  Bring a chair so we can social distance.

Dakus Geeslin will be our speaker and his topic will be GRTU Trout Youth Camp, their mission, and how the club may be able to help support it.

See you there,