The fishing has really been good on the Guad, great luck on these colder rainy days for me. Girdle bugs, (pats jimmy legs) or woolly buggers or a Fox Squirrel followed with a prince nymph, hares ear or an emerger have been what I have been using. Though worms have done very well also.
Bigger than 20″
Action Angler & Outdoor Center- Guadalupe River, New Braunfels, TX is at Action Angler & Outdoor Center- Guadalupe River, New Braunfels, TX.
Fishing is not bad, click link to see a better view. A bit bigger than 20″ Rainbow
Euro jigging streamers
The Guad is fishing good right now

November 6th Holdover Tournament
The Holdover Tournament will be held Saturday, November 6th. This is the New Braunfels Fly Fishers club only fund raiser; so please sign up and support your club. Plus, it is a lot of fun. You do not need to be a member of the club to participate. It is a great way to explore the river and find the best spots for the upcoming season.
You have two options to participate:
- Float Trip + lunch – $200 per person
- Self Guided Wade – $75 per person
Tournament participants will meet at Action Angler Fly Shop at 8:00 am on Saturday, November 6th, for orientation and staging. The tournament finishes at 4:30
pm back at Action Angler for the results of the day and announcement of winners. Prizes will be awarded at this time.
Contact Chris Jackson at 830-708-3474 to reserve your spot
Hope to see you there!