NBFF Holdover results

The New Braunfels Fly Fisher’s Holdover Tournament was held on a beautiful Saturday, November 5th.

Trout, Sunfish and Bass were caught.

First place was won by Don Holmes, 2nd place went to Mike Romano, 3rd place won by Michelle Deering and 4th place won by Don Deering.

Thanks to all who participated in our fund raiser.

The NBFF would like to thank all the merchants who provided prizes:  Ace Hardware, in Sattler; Checkered Flag Automotive, in Sattler; Brookshire Brothers, at Canyon Lake, Horseshoe Grill, at Canyon Lake; Montana Fly Company, in Columbia Falls, Montana; Castell Guide Service and Action Angler, New Braunfels.

Thanks also to the many guides who donated their services and equipment.  Please support these businesses that support our club.


Everyone had a great time and it has been a few years that so many fish were caught. So the river must be doing good and this should mean that the coming trout “season” should be above average. Bass are doing really well, get out there and have a safe good time!

Enjoying some great fall weather

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May be an image of 1 person and body of water

May be an image of 1 person and body of water

May be an image of 1 person and lake


May be an image of 1 person, body of water and nature


To all who’ve recently subscribed to our newsletter: Thank you for joining!

It has been a great summer for fly fishing. The temperatures are about to drop as the fall season approaches. The changing seasons will increase different bug hatches. The fish bite will also increase as we get closer to the brown trout spawn. The annual rainbow trout stocking has already occurred on the Gunnison river. Some cooler temps and cloud cover should make for some great streamer fishing. September is a great time to book a Colorado trip to experience some epic dry fly fishing. It’s also a good time to reserve your dates for fall and winter in Texas. We’ll be targeting bass through October and November, then trout late November through April. Check out http://actionangler.net/ to book a tripbuy some gear or gift certificate, or get up to speed on the latest river info.

Thank you for supporting our small business. We hope everyone is safe and healthy during these difficult times. Sincerely,

Chris Jackson Owner/Lead Guide
Go Where the Action Is!
830-708-FISH (830-708-3474

Click here to check out our upcoming classes and help jump start friends or family’s fly fishing fun. (News & Updates – read more..)

Go Where the Action Is!
Action Angler Fly Shop

Everything for the newbie to the veteran:

  • The only streamside fly shop in Texas
  • River Access on-site
  • State Stockings every Friday (December to February)
  • Expert advice on what’s working
  • Try it before you but it – waders & boot rental


(Fly Shop and Access are open through May28)
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Guadalupe | San Marcos | Colorado | Llano | Devils River

Looking for expert information about Texas’s best waterways?

  • 20 years of guiding service
  • Day trips for trout, Guadalupe, largemouth, & smallmouth bass and more..
Gunnison Gorge | Colorado River | Roaring Fork | Frying Pan River

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  • May – October Guiding
  • Gold medal waters
  • Bucket list-worthy experience
Make this a summer to remember.
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To Hot to fish for trout, but plenty of other fish

It is much too hot to go after trout right now, plus the water is low and slow here on the Guadalupe below the dam. But that should not stop you from getting out and fishing for all the other species that are out there. I have been using my 2 weight fly rod, with a click and pawl reel and having a blast with mostly top water / floating fly’s. Use sunscreen, take water and have some fun!