NBFF Blanco River Outing

New Braunfels Fly Fishers had the opportunity to fish a beautiful section of the Blanco River on June 1st. Members caught bass, sunfish and Rio Grande Cichlids. After fishing, they adjourned for liquid refreshment and a meal.


Our Annual BRUSHY CREEK ONE FLY TOURNAMENT is scheduled for this Saturday, May 13!*
In this creek tournament, anglers are presented with a particular challenge. Catch (and release) as many species as possible using only ONE fly! Not one pattern, one single fly.
There is no entry fee and no registration is required. Both traditional and tenkara style fly fishing are acceptable. Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place!
Head to livingwatersflyfishing.com/events for full details.
*In the event of unfishable rain conditions, the tournament will be moved to the following Saturday, May 20th.
May be an image of Pickerel

NBFF Outing March 8th 2023

We will meet at the Rio Guadalupe (Rio Raft) at 7:30 on Wednesday, March 8th. We will wade up to midway riffle and hopefully beat the crowd.  If you don’t have a LAP badge and want to go, let me know and I will purchase a guest pass for you at a cost of $15 or you can pay Rio when they open.
Hope to see you Wednesday,

NBFF Holdover results

The New Braunfels Fly Fisher’s Holdover Tournament was held on a beautiful Saturday, November 5th.

Trout, Sunfish and Bass were caught.

First place was won by Don Holmes, 2nd place went to Mike Romano, 3rd place won by Michelle Deering and 4th place won by Don Deering.

Thanks to all who participated in our fund raiser.

The NBFF would like to thank all the merchants who provided prizes:  Ace Hardware, in Sattler; Checkered Flag Automotive, in Sattler; Brookshire Brothers, at Canyon Lake, Horseshoe Grill, at Canyon Lake; Montana Fly Company, in Columbia Falls, Montana; Castell Guide Service and Action Angler, New Braunfels.

Thanks also to the many guides who donated their services and equipment.  Please support these businesses that support our club.


Everyone had a great time and it has been a few years that so many fish were caught. So the river must be doing good and this should mean that the coming trout “season” should be above average. Bass are doing really well, get out there and have a safe good time!