Remember the Hold Over Tournament is Nov 2nd

The holdover tournament is November 2nd, it is a fun time.
Lots of great prizes.
It is our only fundraiser, so, please come out in support of the club.
You do not have to be a “member” of the club, and it is a great way to find out the best locations to fish and meet up with people that fish this river and surrounding locations year around.
Wade fishing, kayak, canoe, boats on the lake or on the coast.
We have the whole range, so whatever you prefer, we probably have someone in the club that help you, or maybe you can help us!

Rockport TX

Rio Grande Cichlid Tournament for this Saturday is canceled

Our Rio Grande Cichlid Tournament for this Saturday is canceled due to storm and water conditions. Brushy Creek is currently running over 1000 CFS east of downtown and continuing to rise rapidly.
In place of the tournament, Chris will give a presentation on What to Know Before You Go: Analyzing Weather & Water Data. You’ll learn how to read hydrometric and atmospheric charts and how to use them to your advantage when planning your fly fishing outing. He’ll show you how to interpret weather and water data to adjust for fronts, floods, and droughts. This class will be chock full of valuable, real-time information you won’t want to miss!
Saturday, October 28th
9:00 A.M. – Fly Shop Opens / Coffee & Round Rock Donuts
10:00 A.M. – Know Before You Go: Analyzing Weather & Water Data
6:00 P.M. – Fly Shop Closes
May be an image of text that says 'TOURNAMENT CANCELED:'