Oktoberfisch Registration is open



This year’s Oktoberfisch, October 18-20, will be held at the North Llano RV Park Junction Texas

All reservations for lodging during, before and after will be made thru the Oktoberfisch page on the club’s website. There is no need to call the RV park to reserve a site.

Information on how to register will be contained in the Registration section in the Oktoberfisch page in the website

Click Here for the Club’s Website

If you have any questions, email us at:   president@fbgflyfisher.org 

Fly Fishing Report

Fly Fishing Report

To all who’ve recently subscribed to our newsletter: Thank you for joining!

The fly fishing in Colorado is in full swing. All of the rivers are higher than normal, but the fishing is excellent and should remain that way through October. The Salmon Fly hatch was lengthy this year and went into July. Lots of big browns and rainbows were caught on Salmon Fly and Golden Stone patterns. The fishing continues to be great with all fly fishing methods. Hoppers, Beetles, and Caddis patterns are most common for dry flies. Stones, Princes, Pheasant Tails, Copper Johns are common for nymphing. Various streamer patterns are working also. Float trips have been the way to go, but wading is doable in higher elevations.

Back in the Texas Hill Country, the Canyon Lake level is full and the outflows will be be similar to the inflows. The current flow on the lower Guadalupe is 200 CFS. It’s very important to keep a watch on the river flows and temperatures. Wading can become dangerous if you are on the river when the flows are suddenly increased from the dam. We recommend visiting http://www.grtu.org/flow/ to stay informed of lake level and dam release.

Please contact us if you want to experience some great Colorado or Hill Country fly fishing.

I’d like to fill you in on the most recent news in the Texas Hill Country and west/central Colorado.

News and updates:

1. Action Angler is a booking agent and guide for 1, 2, and 3 day float trips on the Gunnison River through the Gunnison Gorge and lower Gunnison River. This allows us to hold preferred dates for our clients. The Gunnison Gorge is thought of by many as a Top 20 Destination To See Before You Die, and also referred to as a mini-Grand Canyon. The lower Gunnison River is an easier-paced section, with day trips starting at $600. Please contact us for details.

2. The next meeting for the New Braunfels Fly Fishers is scheduled for September 24, 2019.  https://www.facebook.com/NewBraunfelsFlyFishers

3. We offer 2-hour lessons designed for your needs. Trout, bass, and saltwater fly fishing can all be covered. The price is $100 per angler.

4. If you are planning to be in the Aspen or Glenwood Springs areas in the summertime or early fall, call Aspen Fly Fishing and/or Crystal Fly Shop to book trips.  Be sure to request Chris Jackson as your guide.  http://www.aspenflyfishing.com/ 

If you are planning to be in the Crested Butte or Gunnison areas in the summertime or early fall, call Dragonfly Anglers to book trips on the upper Gunnison River and request Chris Jackson as your guide.  http://www.dragonflyanglers.com/

5. Please let us know if you are interested in a premier Bull Trout fly fishing destination in the Northern Rockies of British Columbia.

Here are a few nice river homes to stay at while visiting the Guadalupe River. Two of them are located across the street from the fly shop, and can sleep up to 8.








Chris Jackson, Owner/Lead Guide
Go Where the Action Is!
830-708-FISH (830-708-3474)

2019 esCARPment

Go to https://www.ethos-fly.com/escarpment-2019 to register for this tournament. Meeting and weigh in location is at Action Angler Fly shop.

This will be the third year I have been involved, and I can say the last two years were a great time, amazing the fish that were caught, and the prize pool was fantastic. This is well worth your time to look into; I learned a lot about fishing for our “exotic” local fish.


Llano outing was good time

Everyone had a great time on the fishing trip to the Llano on Wednesday the 23rd. Six of us went. It was a frosty 32 degrees when we got there but warmed up to a balmy 50 or so in the afternoon, The state had just stocked the day before and we caught plenty of nice 10″ to 14″ rainbows. Ron showed us how it was done by catching 4 in the first few minutes we were there, so we all followed him around since he was the master! Everyone caught a lot of nice fish. They were hitting a wide variety of flies from eggs to soft hackles to San Juan worms to even a few imitation pellets. Lunch was great at the Castell Store and a chance to warm up your hands and feet.

Rio Ranch is still a hot spot!!!

I posted this once before and got comments that ranged from don’t fish after April and we should be fishing for bass instead.  I refer all to the email put out by trout unlimited.

From: jimboroberts@satx.rr.com

Date: Sun, Apr 1, 2018 1:37 PM
Subject:[Grtu-lease-members] Status of Lease Access Program Leases
Ladies and Gentlemen

It's April 1st and the seasonal leases are now closed. 
Also the Scott Lease has been sold. It was a year round lease and technically still open, but let's not fish there either till I contact the new owner.
I do suspect we will loose this one too as the new owner plans to build right away.

The leases that remain open are: Maricopa, Rio Raft, #5, Action Angler, Gypsy River, River Bluff, Lower Rio. You can still fish several of the commercial outfitters by paying an access fee: Whitewater, Lazy L&L, Rocky Beach, Mountain Breeze, Bezdek's. 

There is still some Trout fishing to be done before water temps get to warm to ethically fish for them. Watch your water temps and aim away from the tubers. We still may get enough rains to fill the lake to pool. If that happens and we get our sustaining summer flows we'll be able to fish through till fall. But we would need significant rains between now and May 15th. The lake is about 3 1/3 feet low as of today. Anything is possible, pray for rain!

Jimbo Roberts 
GRTU V P of Fisheries 

Grtu-lease-members mailing list

I want to assure everyone that we practice excellent stewardship for the river and its trout population.  All of us keep track of the water temperature and measure before fishing.



Today, April 5 2018, Ron DeMeyer and Pat McQuinn had a great day fishing on there Guadalupe!!  Ron, on the first cast of the day caught at least a 20 inch rainbow using Dick Holte’s white wolly booger.  See the video below.

Pat McQuinn was not far behind with a beautiful 21 inch rainbow caught on a pink worm!!!!