The 2024 New Braunfels Fly Fishers Holdover Tournament was a great success with 40 participants and five guides. There were 16 Rainbow Trout, 98 Sunfish, 8 Red Horse Suckers, and 4 bass caught. The longest fish was a 21 ½ inch Rainbow Trout. Bob Powell travelled the farthest coming from Grand Junction, Colorado to fish with his two sons, Ben and Rob.
Nick Skalomenos won the tournament with 24 sunfish and 1 bass
JC Cadran placed 2nd with 1 Rainbow Trout, 3 Bass and 10 Sunfish
Coleton Byrd place 3rd with 4 Rainbow Trout
Gage Harris (pictured with his father Brandon) won longest fish with a 21 ½ inch Rainbow Trout
The New Braunfels Fly Fishers would like to thank all that donated cash and prizes to the tournament: WORD, Canyon Lake; Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited; Brookshire Brothers, Canyon Lake; Gruene Outfitters; New Braunfels; Ace Hardware, Canyon Lake; Living Waters Fly Fishing, Roundrock; HEB, Hwy 46, New Braunfels; Fly Fishers International; ReelFly Fishing Adventures, Canyon Lake; Horseshoe Grill, Canyon Lake and Action Angler Fly Shop and Outdoor Center. We would also like to thank the guides who supported our tournament: Chris Jackson, Action Angler Fly Shop and Outdoor Center, Jud Cole, RIO Anglers; Daniel Hughes, Daniel Hughes Fly Fishing; Cody Lacroix, Lacroix’s Fly Fishing and Jared Staab, Staab Fly Fishing, Canyon Lake.
Please support these businesses that support us.
We hope to see you next year for the 2025 Holdover Tournament which will be held on the tentative date of November 1, 2025.
To all who’ve recently subscribed to our newsletter: Thank you for joining!
Fall is here! The temperatures are slowly dropping and it’s a great time to get outdoors. It’s also a good time to reserve your dates for fall and winter in Texas. We’ll be targeting bass through November, then trout late November through April. Check out http://actionangler.net/ to book a trip, buy some gear or gift certificate, or get up to speed on the latest river info.
The water temperatures on the Guadalupe are in the high 60s. Some trout have survived the summer heat in large part to the GRTU/NBFF volunteers that feed the trout 2 days a week. The GRTU feeding program has kept some of the trout in cooler areas of the river. It’s likely to find several anglers in the few locations trying to land a holdover trout. The flows on the Guadalupe below Canyon Lake are 69 CFS (similar to last year). This is the time to enjoy all the warm water species the Texas Hill Country has to offer. Many great fishing stories of bass biting on poppers and streamers. The Canyon Lake level is 18 feet low and flows could reduce more if rainfall doesn’t increase. It’s very important to keep a watch on the river flows. Wading can become dangerous if you are on the river when the dam suddenly increases its flow. We recommend visiting http://www.grtu.org/flow/ to stay informed of the lake level and dam release. Make sure to book a trip soon to secure your date.
Please contact us if you want to experience some great Colorado or Hill Country fly fishing. Guided trips and gift certificates can be purchased online at http://actionangler.net/ by clicking the “BOOK NOW” button.
The Action Angler fly shop and river access is open. We are operating on a reduced schedule Monday through Thursday until the trout stockings begin. Please call before you head out on these days. Purchases can be made through or website at any time of the year.
I’d like to fill you in on the most recent news in the Texas Hill Country and west/central Colorado.
Action Angler is a booking agent and guide for 1, 2, and 3 day float trips on the Gunnison River through the Gunnison Gorge and lower Gunnison River. This allows us to hold preferred dates for our clients. The Gunnison Gorge is thought of by many as a Top 20 Destination To See Before You Die, and also referred to as a mini-Grand Canyon. The lower Gunnison River is an easier-paced section, with day trips starting at $700. Please contact us for details.
If you are planning to be in the Aspen or Glenwood Springs areas in the summertime or early fall, call Aspen Fly Fishing and/or Crystal Fly Shop to book trips. Be sure to request Chris Jackson as your guide. http://www.aspenflyfishing.com/ http://www.crystalflyshop.com/index.html If you are planning to be in the Crested Butte or Gunnison areas in the summertime or early fall, call Dragonfly Anglers to book trips on the upper Gunnison River and request Chris Jackson as your guide. http://www.dragonflyanglers.com/
The next meeting for the New Braunfels Fly Fishers can be found at https://www.facebook.com/NewBraunfelsFlyFishers The annual holdover tournament has been scheduled for November 2, 2024.
Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited Troutfest is scheduled for February 21-23, 2025. Go to grtu,org for more details.
Our annual Learn to Fly Fish 2 hour class in December has been discontinued. 2hr lessons can be scheduled through the “Book Now” feature on our website.
Thank you for supporting our small business. We hope everyone is safe and healthy.
Chris Jackson Owner/Lead Guide
Go Where the Action Is!
830-708-FISH (830-708-3474)