Jim Gray’s Llanolope
Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited filmed me at the Orvis shop in San Antonio tying some of my favorite patterns. First up is my top producing fly – the Llanolope. I get a lot of requests for this pattern, so it’s great to have a professionally filmed tying video.
Learn how to effectively work sections of trout water and seams in the video below that we did in collaboration with Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited!
When: 04/13/2024 10:30 AM, CST
Where: 451 Guadalupe St, Kerrville Tex 78028
SATURDAY April 13ย – Immediately Follows this Month’s Club Meeting
Arrive by 10:30 am, Saturday April 13, 2024
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is graciously providing their TPWD ANGLER EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION PROGRAM to our club on April 13, immediately following the THCFF Club Meeting.ย ย
Learn how the Angler Education Program benefits fishing
This comprehensive one day seminar will cover three major aspects of Angler Education.ย Participants who complete this training will be “TPWD Certified Angler Education Instructors.”ย