Floatants by Angler’s Covey

Gone are the days where a tube of gink was your only option for keeping your fly dry. Now, though, the options are overwhelming and can get confusing fast. When and why do we choose each type of floatant?
GEL: Traditional Silicon Floatant Gel, such as Loon Aquel and Gink, work best on patterns fresh out of your fly box before your fly hits the water. These gels work to repel water from the fly to keep it floating longer.
LIQUID: The @loonoutdoors Fly Dip is a game-changing floatant. To use, you simply dip your fly into the liquid. It quickly dries and seals out water and brings life back into any dry fly, even flies with CDC!
PASTE: Have you found that keeping your fly floating is more difficult because your tippet is sinking and dragging your fly along with it?
POWDER: Shimazaki is my all-time favorite. This powder has both a desiccant and floatant in it, which means it not only re-applies floatant to your fly, but actively draws water out of it as well.
May be an image of outdoors

Fly Fishers International Virtual Expo 2021


Fly Fishers International (FFI) has transformed its annual International Fly Fishing Expo into a virtual event for 2021, completely reimagining how fishing enthusiasts from around the world can enjoy the Expo from the comfort of their own home.

“Our goal is to have fun while learning and immersing ourselves in everything fly fishing,”

— Patty Lueken, Chair of FFI’s Virtual Expo Planning Committe

Highlights will include:

• Fantastic classes and workshops from renowned “fishy” folks

• Compelling and important conservation workshops

• Fly tying demonstrations with some of the world’s best

• An online auction culminating in a virtual live auction on Nov 6

• Great giveaways

• Specialty classes on cooking, nutrition, tricking out your camper, “how it’s made,” and other topics to interest fly fishers and non-fishers alike.

“Building off of the incredible success of the FFI Online series — during which we brought the essence of FFI out to the international fly fishing community — the Virtual Expo will bring the fly fishing show experience to you.”

Is It OK to Use Your Wrist in the Fly Cast?

When performed correctly the fly cast appears to defy all laws of physics.  The perfect cast has been known to pause the universe for a beat or two. It’s a natural high!

To execute a proper cast you will need to use your wrist to articulate proper motion of the rod tip, control slack, and initiate dynamic acceleration.  When your wrist, elbow, and shoulder work together the results are incredible!  When the wrist is used incorrectly… you will look like a cat playing with a ball of yarn.  Check out this week’s video tip and let’s get it right.

Tight Loops,

Red’s Fly Shop Staff


How to chose leader length


How To Pick The Right Leader Length

Basic leader lengths range from 4 or 5 different lengths. The shortest one is a 6 foot leader. These are mainly used with sinking lines to keep your fly close to the bottom because nylon tends to float, and with a long leader your fly would get too close to the surface. So, use a 6-footer for sinking lines which is a rare occasion in most trout fishing.

The next size is a 7-and-a-half foot leader, and a 7-and-a-half foot leader is pretty much your basic small stream leader which is what I would be using in a stream like this. The fish aren’t spooky in here, the water is fast and I’m not going to worry too much if my fly line lands pretty close to the leader because the fish aren’t going to notice it. And 7-and-a-half foot leaders work better with short casts and most of my casts here are going to be short. The longer the leader, the tougher it is to turn it over to get it to straighten with long casts. So a 7-and-a-half foot leader in a situation like this is about right.

If I were to go to a little bit bigger river and the water was a little flatter and the fish were a little spookier, more suspicious, I’d probably go to a 9 foot leader. That’s kind of the standard leader, if you don’t know what lengths leader to buy, a 9-footer will get you by in nearly all circumstances. That’s the basic trout leader you use in most rivers – the 9 footer. So if you remember nothing else, remember 9-footer.

The 12 foot leader, as the water starts to get lower in the summer or you get really low clear water and every time you make a cast, the fish stop rising or they spook or they run away, you probably want to go to either a 12 foot leader or under really extreme situations where the fish are heavily fished, the water is clear, they see a lot of fisherman, they see a lot of flies, you might want to go to a 15 foot leader. Now 15 foot leaders and 12 foot leaders are a little bit more difficult to straighten, however, you’re usually casting a longer line and the leader, well, if it’s well made, will straighten out just fine.

The other thing you want to think about, is you could get a lot of wind. The more the wind blows, the shorter you want to make your leader. And you could probably get away with a shorter leader when it’s windy because the surfs in the water will be more rippled.

Tippet, Leader, etc

Talking About Tippet, Leader, etc

Talking About Tippet, Leader, etc

Ed Note: Steve Collie speaking to you today about way deeper topics than SOL generally does. So soak this in folks as content this good only graces these pages occasionally. Steve educates us today with talk about tippet and leader. I love this info. And many of you may as well. Thanks Steve, appreciate you tasing the bar on good content today on the Headhunters Blog.



Monofilament is defined as “a single strand of manmade fiber”.  The tippet and leader we use for trout fishing (with the exception of a furled leader) is monofilament and is either composed of the material nylon or fluorocarbon.


The vast majority of monofilament used in flyfishing is sourced from factories in Japan, with lesser amounts coming from Germany, South Korea, and China.  Pellets of plastic are melted and extruded into monofilament.  This monofilament then undergoes a process known as “annealing”, it is heated and stretched which results in the molecules aligning themselves into a chain.  Annealing strengthens the monofilament as well as making it more supple.

Most manufacturers list the dry tensile strength of monofilament on spools.  Tensile strength is the ability of a material to resist a force that tends to pull it apart.  Knot strength is more important to the angler then tensile strength because knots tend to be the weak link in the system.  Unfortunately, measuring knot strength involves too many variables for most manufacturers to list a number on a spool or package.


If only a few factories produce all the monofilament, is it all the same stuff with different labels? Short answer: NO. The formula of the base plastic material, the annealing process and postproduction coatings applied to the monofilament differ from one brand to another.  Bulk spools of material undergo extensive testing at labs in North America to determine which formulas satisfy the goals of the wholesale buyer.  Postproduction processes such as coatings applied to the line can also take place at facilities in North America.  Coatings applied to the line can increase resistance to UV degradation, decrease friction, decrease water absorption (both of which can increase knot strength) and increase abrasion resistance.


In this section I will try to explain some of the differences between nylon and fluorocarbon, hopefully shedding some light on why an angler would choose one over the other in different situations.

Nylon absorbs water and this decreases its strength over time, while fluorocarbon does not absorb water.  Coatings applied to Nylon post manufacturing in North America can decrease water absorption in Nylon and thereby increase “wet knot strength”.

Nylon tends to be more supple and stretches more than fluorocarbon given the same diameter.

Nylon appears to win in the cost per foot category. Nylon also has a shelf life (naturally gets weaker over time).  The spool of 1X fluorocarbon you bought to fish streamers 3 times a year will still be strong when you get to the last of it several years later. Nylon loses strength over time and needs to be replaced, take this into consideration when comparing the cost of one versus the other.

Exposure to UV and high heat will increase the rate of degradation of Nylon. Fluorocarbon will not degrade appreciably with exposure to heat, fluorescent light, sunscreen, bug spray or UV.

Fluorocarbon has a higher density than Nylon and will sink faster.  It also wins in the abrasion resistance category.  These attributes can make it a desirable material for fishing nymphs or streamers.

The “Refractive Index” is a measurement of how a material bends incoming rays of light. Fluorocarbon has a refractive index closer to water than Nylon, this leads to claims that it is “invisible to fish”.  The refractive index of water =1.33, Fluorocarbon =1.42 and Nylon =1.62.  In my opinion trout in slower moving water can see tippet no matter what the material or diameter, they just choose to ignore it under certain circumstances.  I know guides who use Nylon exclusively and have many pictures of huge fish being held by happy clients.

Fluorocarbon takes much longer to break down in nature due to its higher resistance to UV.  Water is a good filter for UV light, if your tippet is hanging off a fly 6 feet deep in the river Nylon will probably not degrade all that much faster than Fluorocarbon.  Above water either material takes a few to several human lifetimes to break down, even then it simply breaks down into smaller pieces of plastic.  Please take the time to properly stow away and dispose of used monofilament.  Each boat ramp on the Missouri has a blue collection tube for your use.


Tippet comes on spools as a single diameter. Different lengths and diameters of tippet can be joined together to build a knotted tapered leader.  Tapered knotless leaders can also be purchased.  These are a single piece of extruded tapered monofilament that comes in defined lengths and ends in a designated diameter (4X, 5X, etc.).  Probably the most popular configuration is to buy a tapered leader of a certain length and then extend that with a section of tippet. After several fly changes a new section of tippet is tied on, this preserves the length of the leader.

Tolerances in the manufacturing of tippet are higher than in the manufacturing of leaders simply because extruding a taper is more complicated than extruding a constant diameter. I other words, the end of a 5X leader could be smaller (or larger) then 5X.  Extending a leader with the same diameter tippet could be a bad idea. In this example one solution is to purchase a 4X leader and extend with 5X tippet, alternately, cut back a 5X leader 18-24 inches and then tie on 5X tippet.


Fly anglers are grudgingly familiar with the “wind knot” or bad casting knot.  This is basically an overhand knot in your tippet and can reduce its breaking strength by some measurements up to 45%. A wind knot in your leader may not be a dire emergency, depending on where it is, the tippet may still be the weak link in the chain.  A wind knot in smaller diameter tippet needs to be dealt with immediately if you plan on landing the next fish you hook.

Knot “architecture” has a big influence on breaking strength and the wind knot illustrates this well.  The greater the force on the tag (fly) end of the tippet the greater the constrictive force applied around the standing (rod) end of the line.  The knot is “strangling” the standing line and can cut into it, reducing its diameter and weakening it.  The result is loss of tippet strength throughout the day from the pulling force of fish and/or snags.


Got you. I don’t know what the “best” knot is out there and neither do the manufacturers.  Knots are tied by humans and the number of variables is too great to set up one definitive test to find the “one” perfect knot for every application.  Being familiar with the knot, thorough lubrication, slowly and smoothly drawing the knot together to decrease heat caused by friction are all important points of knot tying.

I also mentioned “knot architecture” above, some people prefer to use a “jam” type of knot believing it is stronger over time. Examples include but are certainly not limited to the Uni-Knot or Pitzen (Eugene Bend, Click Knot, 16/20 Knot).

Bottom line, the best knot is the one you have confidence in and can tie correctly every time while imparting the least amount of friction.