Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting

Minutes of NBFF Membership Meeting

01/23/2022 – New Braunfels Public Library

Dan Cone called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Pat McQuinn reported that we have 31 current members.

Ron said he would put together an outing on the Guadalupe River in mid-February, the fishing has been very good and February should be in full swing of things and even better.

Ron reported that Pat McQuinn and he had delivered the GRTU Youth Trout Camp gift bags to Dakus Geeslin on January 14th and they were much appreciated.  The president of GRTU, Bill Marshall, also expressed his appreciation.

GRTU Troutfest 22 will be held February 18 – 20 at L&L Campground. Ron will ask the core group that helped assemble our tent and performed other pre-game activities in past Troutfests to help with these chores once again.  Also, said he would put out an email to request NBFF members to sign-up to man the booth during Troutfest.  The club will raffle a fly box and flies again this year as a tool to generate interest in our club.  We will us a fly box left over from GRTU Trout Camp and a budget of $30.00 was approved to purchase the flies for the raffle.

A straw vote was taken to choose the subject of the presentation that Jim Gray will make at our February meeting.  Jim has several presentations and the group chose “Fly Fishing the Colorado River”.

Our speaker for the evening was Dylan Mendoza, Dylan Mendoza Fly Fishing, His subject was “Fly Fishing the Texas Coastal Bend”.  Dylan’s power point presentation was informative and entertaining.  He also brought examples of rods and flies needed to fish the coast.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Gift Bags for GRTU Youth camp donated by NBFF

The New Braunfels Fly Fishers provided gift bags of fly fishing accessories to the GRTU Youth Trout Camp participants to facilitate their quest to be proficient fly fishers.  The gift bags consisted of a fly box, nippers, forceps, zingers, an assortment of flies, leaders and tippets.  Many thanks to the Umpqua Company for donating the leader and tippet and Action Angler for helping us sourcing some items.  The flies were tied or donated by members of NBFF:  Ed Sweet, Gary Nyland, Jeff O’Bara, Ed Finger, Dick Holte and Ron Skarbowski.

The bags were presented on January 14th to Dakus Geeslin, GRTU Youth Chairman, by Pat McQuinn and Ron DeMeyer.

Free Mastery Guide to Nymphing

Catch the Hatch created an awesome introduction course to fly fishing with nymphs. It covers the essentials of how to catch fish when nymphing and it’s 100% FREE.

Learn How To:
Set up your rod and flies for nymphing
cast nymphs and perfect the drift
set the hook and land the fish
We cover all the key details so whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced you can learn something from this free resource.

Check it out and enjoy the read!

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