Action Angler Sept Newsletter

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Fly Fishing Report

To all who’ve recently subscribed to our newsletter: Thank you for joining!

The fly fishing in Colorado continues to be great. School is back in session, and the crowds have greatly diminished. The Gunnison River continues to have some of the best flows and water temperatures in Colorado. There’s been some great success fishing hopper dropper rigs, and we’re seeing some amazing Trico and BWO hatches. Please contact us if you want to experience some great Colorado fly fishing through the end of September.

Back in Texas it’s starting to cool down and getting some much needed rain. Bass fishing on the Guadalupe has been good. Bass fishing on the Colorado, Llano, and the San Marcos are also good options. Flows on the Guadalupe below Canyon Lake are currently at 96 CFS. The Canyon Lake level is 4.5 feet low, so we’ll need more rain to continue to have good flows below the dam. Lots of anglers are experiencing great bass catches on surface and streamer patterns. Don’t be intimidated by the skills needed to fish the warm water species. By booking a half day trip or 2 hour lesson, we can provide the equipment needed and show you how to use it. We can also schedule 2 hour lessons for trout fishing. This is a great way to break into the sport, or improve skills prior to trout season.

I’d like to fill you in on the most recent news in the Texas Hill Country and west central Colorado.

News and updates:

1. Action Angler is a booking agent and guide for 1, 2, and 3 day float trips on the Gunnison River through the Gunnison Gorge and lower Gunnison River. This allows us to hold preferred dates for our clients. The Gunnison Gorge is thought of by many as a Top 20 Destination To See Before You Die, and also referred to as a mini Grand Canyon. The lower Gunnison River is an easier – paced section, with day trips starting at $600.  Please contact us for details.

2. If you are planning to be in the Aspen or Glenwood Springs areas, call Aspen Fly Fishing and/or Crystal Fly Shop to book trips.  Be sure to request Chris Jackson as your guide.

If you are planning to be in the Crested Butte or Gunnison areas, call Dragonfly Anglers to book trips on the upper Gunnison River and request Chris Jackson as your guide.

3. The next meeting for the New Braunfels Fly Fishers is scheduled for October 23, 2018.

4. Our 13th annual Learn to Fly Fish event is scheduled for December 8, 2018. There will be over a thousand trout stocked at the Action Angler access on December 7. The Action Angler access will be closed on the 7th and 8th for this event.

5. The 8th annual Texas Holdover Tournament is scheduled for November 3, 2018. All proceeds go to the non profit New Braunfels Fly Fishing club.

6. The first ever Guadalupe Bass tournament, called Guadzilla, will be held on November 10, 2018.

7. Save the date for the GRTU Troutfest 2019. It will be held at Lazy L&L February 22, 23, & 24. Details for this event can be found at .

Here are a few nice river homes to stay at while visiting the Guadalupe River. Two of them are located across the street from the fly shop, and can sleep up to 8.


Chris Jackson, Owner/Lead Guide
Go Where The Action Is!
830-708-FISH (830-708-3474)

Upcoming Class:  Learn to Fly Fish  Dec 8, 2018
Learn More

Book a full or half day trip on the Guadalupe
Book a Trip

Gunnison River Trips through Black Canyon Anglers 
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Meeting the 25th of Sept.

Hello Folks,
This is a reminder of our upcoming club meeting this next Tuesday the 25th. We will meet at the library at 7:00.
We do not have a guest speaker, so this meeting will be shorter than normal.

Guadzilla! The Search For



· Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018, 7 AM – 3 PM
· Open to all Ages, fly only
· Catch and release only
· Captain’s meeting Friday, Nov. 9 at Yeti Flagship from 6 PM – 8 PM
· Judging and after party at Oskar Blues Brewery Saturday, Nov. 10, 4 PM – 6 PM with special guests Barn Owls!

More info and registration

2016 Orvis Guide of the Year Finalist

2015 Orvis Guide Service of the Year Finalist

Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Guide Service in Central Texas

Small Stream Tips

Video Pro Tips: Small Stream Strategies

Written by: Phil Monahan

Here are a couple of great small-stream tips from Elliot Barnes at Bow River Troutfitters ib Calgary, Alberta. The first video explains why you shouldn’t walk past long flat-water stretches of a creek because they look featureless. Bankside structure might actually feature plenty of good trout lies, and these fish might not get fished to as much as those trout in riffles and pools.

The second tip is great for small stream, but it will also work wherever the current is pulling on your fly line and causing your dry fly to drag. Bu high-sticking the fly and keeping as much line off the water as possible, you can achieve a drag-free drift. Just make sure you approach with stealth and use the broken water to conceal your silhouette.