Author: Ed
Lydia Ann Casting for Recovery

If you haven’t registered yet, the online registration is still open and the discounted price runs through tomorrow at 5 PM! After that, it will be regular price online or you can sign up at the late registration next Friday.
I have had an excellent team helping out this year and I am excited to get this party started! Thank you to everyone who has lent a helping hand! After tallying everything up, we have over $8,000 worth of prizes, auction and raffle items for this year’s tournament! I can’t wait to give everything away and raise a ton of money for Casting for Recovery!
THANK YOU especially to all of our sponsors for this year! We are truly blessed by their generosity and willingness to support our tournament and Casting for Recovery! Take a look at the line up below and be sure to thank them in person and support them throughout the year!
Learn to Fly Fish December 8th
Contact Action Angler for reservations, this class does fill up, and you do get to get on the river and fish, not just class room.
2019 GRTU Youth Trout Camp
Ready, set, GO! Applications for the 2019 GRTU Youth Trout Camp are now OPEN!!! Deadline for applying is December 1st. Apply here: https://goo.gl/forms/
Oktoberfish has been cancelled
Oktoberfish 2018 Has Been Cancelled
Due to the result of the damage from flooding at the event site, this years Oktoberfisch has been cancelled.
Email questions to: president@fbgflyfish.org