Trip rescheduled to Wed 1/23

I just checked the TPWD Site and the Castell stocking has now been rescheduled to 1/22/2019. Our club trip is rescheduled to Wednesday, 1/23. Hopefully, all will work out on these dates.

Still plan to meet at Brookshire Bros Grocery Store on FM306 on the north side of Canyon Lake at 7:00 am in order to carpool to Castell.


NBFF Fly Tying Meeting – Tue. Jan 8th

Our next Fly Tying meeting will be held this next Tuesday (Jan. 8th) at 7:00 pm at the American Legion Hall on 410 West Coll Street in New Braunfels. Carl Druebert will be showing us how to tie one of his favorite flies. We have all the needed equipment and supplies if needed, or bring your own. All skill levels of tiers are welcome so come out and join us in this monthly event.

NBFF Castell Outing 1/10/2019

From Ron, trying to set up our next outing,
I spoke to Mark today at Castell General Store to check that they would be serving lunch and that the state is still stocking on 1/9. He confirmed that the store would be open but there is some question concerning high river flow. I will check with him Tuesday, 1/8 for the current status and make a final call then.

In the meantime, we will plan to meet at Brookshire Bros Grocery Store on FM306 on the north side of Canyon Lake at 7:00 am on Thursday, January 10th in order to carpool to Castell. We generally have lunch at the store, great burgers, and head home around 4:00 pm.

Let me know if you plan to make it.


How to Make a Drop-Shot Nymphing Rig

Phil Monahan/Posted on December 28, 2018/Categories Fly Fishing/

Winter fly fishing means cold water and trout that don’t like to move off the bottom much. A rig that keeps your nymphs deep yet avoids snags is just the ticket. In this video, Joe Rotter from Red’s Fly Shop shows you how to create a drop-shot rig that uses a split shot below the nymph. That way, the shot will roll and slide through rocks and debris without snagging, while the fly stays suspended just off the bottom, where trout want it.

To see a diagram of Joe’s rig, click here.

Streamers under an indicator

Video Tips: How to Fish Streamers Under an Indicator for Lethargic Trout
Author Phil Monahan/Posted on December 19, 2018/Categories Fly Fishing/

Dave and Amelia from Jensen Fly Fishing have released another episode in their video series “The Bank.” We’ve discussed dead-drifting streamers before, but here, Dave explains how he fishes a three-streamer rig under an indicator at those times when the trout aren’t willing to commit fully to a stripped streamer.