Living Waters, Rio Grande Cichlid

Saturday afternoon!
2:00 P.M. – Species Spotlight: Rio Grande Cichlid / Presenter: Chris Johnson

We know it’s a bit early in the year to be chasing cichlids, but it won’t be long until you will begin seeing this special fish in most of our local creeks and rivers. Chris will teach you about the Rio Grande Cichlid’s behavior and feeding habits as well as how to select the proper flies for your next trip! Chris has made it a point to target cichlids specifically over the past several years, on a number of central Texas rivers, and this is the first time that he has compiled his findings in a presentation.

Fredericksburg Feb Meeting

Club Meeting , 6PM Social Hour, 7PM Meeting
Fredericksburg EMS Building 233 Friendship Lane

Club’s Meeting will be on Thursday, February 7th
Our speaker will be Chris Johnson from Living Waters Fly Shop

Flows down a bit, fishing is good on the Guad

With flows dropping, (still 664 as of now) the wade fishing can and has picked up. Here are a few pictures of our club members out catching a few. Just remember to take a wading staff and watch your footing, things have probably moved around a bit with the high flows. Stop by Action Angler’s shop at the third crossing and get the fly’s that are working right now.

Llano outing was good time

Everyone had a great time on the fishing trip to the Llano on Wednesday the 23rd. Six of us went. It was a frosty 32 degrees when we got there but warmed up to a balmy 50 or so in the afternoon, The state had just stocked the day before and we caught plenty of nice 10″ to 14″ rainbows. Ron showed us how it was done by catching 4 in the first few minutes we were there, so we all followed him around since he was the master! Everyone caught a lot of nice fish. They were hitting a wide variety of flies from eggs to soft hackles to San Juan worms to even a few imitation pellets. Lunch was great at the Castell Store and a chance to warm up your hands and feet.