March 12th Fly Tying Night

Just a reminder that we will be doing Fly tying at the American Legion Hall on 410 West Coll St., New Braunfels from 7-9 pm. next Tuesday March 12th.  Come in the front door and we are in the first door to the right.
Rumor has it that the White Bass are running so we are going to be tying a favorite fly of theirs.  The Clouser
You may bring your own equipment or the club has equipment you can use.
Hope to see you there.

NBFF casting class’s are open to all

Mike Wright will be at Cypress Bend Park from 9:00 am – 11:30 am on Saturday, March 2nd, helping us with our casting abilities.  The class will focus on grips, stances, the pickup and lay down cast, shooting line and line control.  He will be stressing the part of the cast that is when, how and how much power is applied and trajectory.  Rods and reels are available if requested.  Cost is free for NBFF members and $10 for non-members.  The $10 fee will be waived if non-members join the club that day.

He will be holding an advanced casting class on Saturday, March 23rd

NBFF Fly Tying Reminder this Tuesday

This is a reminder that our next Fly Tyers session  is this coming Tuesday Feb. 12th at 7:00pm at the American Legion Hall, 410 West Coll St. in New Braunfels.  Come in thru the front door and we are in the first door to the right. We have spare tying equipment and tying supplies or bring your own.  All levels of tyers welcome.   Hope to see you there

Feb 9th 101 and 201 Class’s, don’t forget

Action Angler & Outdoor Center- Guadalupe River, New Braunfels, TX's photo.