Entomology and Fly Tying class, open to everyone.

Yes, Mike Wright will be driving us “Buggy”!! Well not quite.  Mike will giving us an Entomology presentation at our next Tuesday (April 9th) Fly Tying meeting.  Learn how to better “Match the Hatch” to help your choice of flies and help your success at catching more Trout.  The meeting is open to everyone and starts at 7:00 pm at the American Legion Hall at 410 W. Coll Street in New Braunfels.  Come in the front door and were in the first door to the right.
Hope to see you there,

March Fishing Update

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Fly Fishing Report

To all who’ve recently subscribed to our newsletter: Thank you for joining!

The fishing on the Guadalupe has been great, and is full of beautiful browns and rainbows. The river flows are currently at 347 CFS. These higher-than-normal flows will likely make for great trout fishing into June, and possibly summer. All of the trout stockings are complete, and the fish have adapted well to their new environment. Smaller Midge and BWO patterns have been the norm with challenging battles to keep the fish on.

The Canyon Lake level is full and the outflows will be be similar to the inflows. It’s very important to keep a watch on the river flows. Wading can become dangerous if you are on the river when the flows are suddenly increased from the dam. We recommend visiting http://www.grtu.org/flow/ to stay informed of lake level and dam release.

Anglers who are wading are benefiting from using wading staffs and having knowledge of the river from the low-water years. Longer leaders and heavier split-shot is needed for nymph rigs. Streamer anglers are using sink-tip lines or leaders to swing buggers of various colors.

This is our 17th trout season. We’ve seen high flows, low flows, and everything in between. Please contact us if you want to experience some great hill country fly fishing.

Don’t be intimidated by the skills needed to fish the higher flows. By booking a half-day trip or 2-hour lesson, we can provide the equipment needed and show you how to use it. This is a great way to break into the sport or improve skills.

I’d like to fill you in on the most recent news in the Texas Hill Country and west/central Colorado.

News and updates:

1. Action Angler is a booking agent and guide for 1, 2, and 3 day float trips on the Gunnison River through the Gunnison Gorge and lower Gunnison River. This allows us to hold preferred dates for our clients. We have 2 boats remaining available for a 3-day trip through the Gorge starting June 22, 2019 during the famous Salmon Fly hatch. The Gunnison Gorge is thought of by many as a Top 20 Destination To See Before You Die, and also referred to as a mini-Grand Canyon. The lower Gunnison River is an easier-paced section, with day trips starting at $600. Please contact us for details.

2. The next meeting for the New Braunfels Fly Fishers is scheduled for March 26, 2019.  https://www.facebook.com/NewBraunfelsFlyFishers

3. We offer 2-hour lessons designed for your needs. Trout, bass, and saltwater fly fishing can all be covered. $100 per angler.

4. If you are planning to be in the Aspen or Glenwood Springs areas in the summertime or early fall, call Aspen Fly Fishing and/or Crystal Fly Shop to book trips.  Be sure to request Chris Jackson as your guide.  http://www.aspenflyfishing.com/ 

If you are planning to be in the Crested Butte or Gunnison areas in the summertime or early fall, call Dragonfly Anglers to book trips on the upper Gunnison River and request Chris Jackson as your guide.  http://www.dragonflyanglers.com/

5. Considering a fly fishing trip to Canada? Please let us know if you are interested in a premier Bull Trout fly fishing destination in the Northern Rockies of British Columbia.

Here are a few nice river homes to stay at while visiting the Guadalupe River. Two of them are located across the street from the fly shop, and can sleep up to 8.








Chris Jackson, Owner/Lead Guide
Go Where the Action Is!
830-708-FISH (830-708-3474)

2hr Lessons: Learn to Fly Fish
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Book a full or half day trip on the Guadalupe
Book a Trip

Gunnison River Trips through Black Canyon Anglers 
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Doc Thompson Newsletter

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I don’t know about you, but I am about ready for warmer days and trout on a dry fly!  Here in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains we are about 25% above average snow, a blessing compared to last winter.  Things are shaping up to have good water conditions and happy trout.  Recently returned from the annual hosted saltwater trip to Playa and Casa Blanca.  Another fun trip was had by all.  Paul landing his first of 4 permit at Playa.  Multiple 20+ pound permit were landed.  Wonderful snook action at Casa and Diane landed a triple tail.  A few pictures from the trip are below.  Here in NM the Lower Red is fishing and should continue until about mid April about the time the Cimarron starts fishing good.  Things are shaping up for a good season at Trinchera Ranch. The Rio Grande was up and pretty murky last couple days from recent rain and lower elevation snow melt.  The Cimarron is still winter time low right now, however, expectt to see it starting to fish later in March as the days warm up.
Visit Orvis New Mexico Fishing Reports

March 30, 2019
Mountain Hideway in Lubbock, TX.  At 10:30AM I will be presenting a a program on fly fishing in Northern New Mexico.  At 1:30PM I will be presenting a program on fly selection.  Mountain Hideaway is a wonderful family owned outdoor store and Orvis dealer fly shop.  Stop in for the day or for part of it. There will be beverages and snacks.  For store info click here.
April 4, 2019: Gordy and Sons in Houston, TX. I will be on scene from about Noon until 7PM with a program on fly fishing Northern New Mexico starting about 5PM or so.  Gordon and Son’s is a fine fly shop and hunting outfitter with a fabulous grand showroom and casting pond.  Come by to visit and see the program.  For store info click here.
April 6, 2019:  Orvis Southlake in Southlake, TX (DFW area). At 10:20AM I will be presenting a program on fly fishing in Northern New Mexico.  At 1:30PM I will be presenting a program on fly selection. Brett is the fishing manager at Orvis Southlake, a great guy that knows Northern NM.  I think there will be beverage and food there. For store info click here.
May 4, 2019: Enchanted Circle Trout Unlimited Annual Banquet and Fundraiser in Taos, NM.  Guest speaker is Peter Kutzer, Orvis Fly Casting Video Guy as seen on the Orvis Blog.  Before the banquet he will be doing a casting demo and seminar then will be guest speaker for the banquet.  Details soon.

Is your local fly shop or fly fishing club interested in an educational program?  If so please pass along my contact information or contact me.

January 18-25, 2020: Hosted trip Playa Blanca 4 spots available
Jan 25-Feb 1, 2020: Hosted trip Casa Blanca 6 spots available
We do a week at each lodge because we just can’t decide which is better.  Join us for one week or both. These small sister lodges are located on a secluded Southern Yucatan island surrounded by the finest flats, lagoons and mangrove waters. This is the destination for real chances at permit, tarpon, snook and bonefish. Perhaps one of the best destinations in the world for a grand slam or super slam.  The lodging is top notch with an elegantly simple Caribbean style. Inviting hospitality and fresh delicious Yucatan cuisine. The guides are knowledgable, friendly, work with all skill levels an can speak english. Contact me for details.  Can’t join us on these dates, don’t worry I can still set up the trip for you. You don’t want to miss out on fishing Playa or Casa. Contact me for more trip information.

Winter is still here and spring is fast approaching.  This is a good time of year to do some spring cleaning.  This is a good time of year to start going through gear, fly boxes, fishing packs and so forth getting things ready.  You know that cantankerous reel, pull it out and clean it out maybe its time to replace it.  Now is a good time to attempt to organize fly boxes. I say attempt because it seems like when my boxes get organized they quickly become scrambled like a fly box demon was let loose.  Don’t forget to clean out fishing packs and vests.  Throw out the old leaders/tippet and replace with new to avoid losing a fish to old tippet.  At the same time keep an eye out for old treasures like the hand full of pistachios I found and the wad of leader from a nasty bird’s nest wind knot even though the wind really wasn’t the cause but thats my excuse.  The good news is after some spring cleaning your gear will be ready for the season.

Bueno Rises!
Doc Thompson

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700 Springs Tour Date Set

700 Springs Tour 2019 Date Set – Saturday morning, April 27,
At 10:00 o’clock, a motorcade is scheduled to leave the Courthouse in Junction for the 20-mile drive to the site known as Seven Hundred Springs (Highway 377, S).  There is no admission charge; however, donations to benefit the local historical museum are appreciated.   You may need a light wrap or sweater, as the Springs’ area can be a bit chilly.  Bring a sack lunch and bottled water.  We do have a few rules – no swimming or fishing.  Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.  We discourage bringing pets, but if that is necessary, they must be on a leash.  Parking is in a designated area.  Cameras are allowed.  You must wait for the lead car before entering the Springs property.  We will be traversing a scenic route, so drive with care – river crossings, steep hills, winding road, etc.  Others may be joining the motorcade en-route.  It is sometimes not possible to get to the Springs in the event of rain, but the weather seems promising for the coming weekend.  The program will consist of a history of the Springs and its environs, and an insight into how the Springs began.  You will also learn of the outlaw era along the South Llano River and beyond.  If you have further questions, please feel free to call Frederica Wyatt @ 325-446-2477 or send an e-mail to fywatt30@cebridge.net .