We covered a lot of territory in the advanced casting class on Saturday the 23rd of March. Aerial mending, water mending, reach casts, shooting line, DOUBLE HAUL AND SINGLE HAUL and distance casting. Then we went to the River and did mending on the water, reach casts, and covered nymphing and the stack mend which put you in the feeding zone twice as long as a regular nymph cast. Additionally we discussed streamer fishing and how to mend down stream to make the lure act like a minnow next to the bank on the far side. It really makes a difference when you do these cast on the water instead of the grass. Actual current in the river makes it much harder and you have to additionally learn line control and feeding line. The small class allowed a lot of individual attention and I must say, at least one of our members can now DOUBLE HAUL. The other 2 are on their way and will just take some practice and patience to get it going. Thanks to those who showed up for this class!!!!