700 Springs Tour Date Set

700 Springs Tour 2019 Date Set – Saturday morning, April 27,
At 10:00 o’clock, a motorcade is scheduled to leave the Courthouse in Junction for the 20-mile drive to the site known as Seven Hundred Springs (Highway 377, S).  There is no admission charge; however, donations to benefit the local historical museum are appreciated.   You may need a light wrap or sweater, as the Springs’ area can be a bit chilly.  Bring a sack lunch and bottled water.  We do have a few rules – no swimming or fishing.  Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.  We discourage bringing pets, but if that is necessary, they must be on a leash.  Parking is in a designated area.  Cameras are allowed.  You must wait for the lead car before entering the Springs property.  We will be traversing a scenic route, so drive with care – river crossings, steep hills, winding road, etc.  Others may be joining the motorcade en-route.  It is sometimes not possible to get to the Springs in the event of rain, but the weather seems promising for the coming weekend.  The program will consist of a history of the Springs and its environs, and an insight into how the Springs began.  You will also learn of the outlaw era along the South Llano River and beyond.  If you have further questions, please feel free to call Frederica Wyatt @ 325-446-2477 or send an e-mail to fywatt30@cebridge.net .