The 2018 Holdover Tournament is now over and the results are in. It was an absolutely gorgeous day on the Guadalupe River. Flows were high, but boats only got fishers wet a few times going over Horseshoe Falls and other rapids. No waders were allowed to sign up due to the flows. However, the results will answer the questions of Holdover numbers for Nov 3 2018
You need to solve this riddle to determine how many fish were caught in the Holdover::: The second place boat got ½ and many fish as the first place boat. The third place boat got 1/4 as many fish and the second place boat. The fourth place boat got ⅛ as many fish as the third place boat.
How many fish did each boat get????????????????? Answer at the bottom of the Pictures.

We want to thank our many sponsors to include, Action Anglers— ½ day Float trip on the Guadalupe, Trouthunter tippet, Montana Fly company fly box ::: Living Waters—Fishpond Rod Case, hat and stickers::: Echo rods, —:::Umpqua—Back Pack, Patagonia gloves, Montana Fly Company fly box, t-shirt, hat:::Gruene Outfitters—::: Lake Austin Ales— iced tea:::Water Works Lamson and Temple Fork for their continued support of our tournament.
We all got SKUNKED, but had a great time in the beautiful weather! We held a drawing for the prizes. Hope to see you all next year when the water is slower and more fishable. 2017 was a great year and we hope next year, 2019 is as good as or better than 2017.
Tight lines and safe fishing
New Braunfels Fly Fishers